1. To shave or dress the beard of.
2. To clip; to mow.
3. To furnish with barbs, or with that which will hold or hurt like barbs, as an arrow, fishhook, spear, etc. But rattling storm of arrows barbed with fire. (Milton)
Origin: Barbed; Barbing.
1. Beard, or that which resembles it, or grows in the place of it. The barbel, so called by reason of his barbs, or wattles in his mouth. (Walton)
2. A muffler, worn by nuns and mourners.
3. Paps, or little projections, of the mucous membrane, which mark the opening of the submaxillary glands under the tongue in horses and cattle. The name is mostly applied when the barbs are inflamed and swollen.
alternative forms: barbel and barble.
4. The point that stands backward in an arrow, fishhook, etc, to prevent it from being easily extracted. Hence: Anything which stands out with a sharp point obliquely or crosswise to something else. Having two barbs or points.
5. A bit for a horse.
6. (Science: zoology) One of the side branches of a feather, which collectively constitute the vane. See feather.
7. (Science: zoology) a southern name for the kingfishes of the eastern and southeastern coasts of the united States; also improperly called whiting.
8. (Science: botany) a hair or bristle ending in a double hook.
Origin: f. B
arbe, fr. L. Barba beard. See beard.
1. The barbary horse, a superior breed introduces from barbary into Spain by the moors.
2. (Science: zoology) a blackish or dun variety of the pigeon, originally brought from barbary.
Origin: f. Barbe, fr. Barbarie.
Dictionary > Barb
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