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Psychiatry and mental disorders
Psychiatry & Mental Disorders

Different mental disorders are described here. Read this tutorial to get an overview of schizophrenia, affective mood di..

Geological Periods
Geological Periods

Geological periods is a study guide that cites the different geological periods on Earth's timeline. Each has a brief ov..

Water Cycle
The Water Cycle

The water cycle (also referred to as the hydrological cycle) is a system of continuous transfer of water from the air, s..

Control of body movement
Control of Body Movement

Some of the body movements can be controlled at will, others cannot. The body has a motor program, which is the pattern ..

Chromosomes X and Y and Sex Determination
Chromosomes X and Y and Sex Determination

This tutorial looks at sex determination via the sex chromosomes, X and Y. Read it to get more info on X and Y chromosom..

Types and Causes of Brain Damage
Types and Causes of Brain Damage

This tutorial describes the different types and causes of brain damage. Find out how genetics, physical injury, lack of ..

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