Dictionary > Cartilaginous joint

Cartilaginous joint

noun, plural: cartilaginous joints
A joint covered with cartilage, such as hyaline or fibrocartilage to allow movements between bones more than fibrous joint but less than the synovial joint.
Cartilaginous joints contain cartilage in between them to allow movement. They are grouped into primary and secondary:
Primary cartilaginous joints are also known as synchondroses. The cartilage, hyaline or fibrocartilage, are usually converted to bone with age, exception to this are the joints holding the first rib to the manubrium of the sternum, and sternal synchondroses.
Secondary cartilaginous joints are also known as symphyses. A flat disk of fibrocartilage connect bones and remains unossified throughout life. Example is the joint in pubic symphysis.
Word origin: from the component of the structure, cartilage + Middle English, from Old French, from past participle of joindre = to join.

Related forms:
fibrocartilaginous joint (noun)

articulatio cartilaginis, cartilaginous articulation, junctura cartilaginea, synarthrodial joint.

fibrous joint, synovial joint.

See also:

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