Dictionary > Chylomicron


noun, plural: chylomicrons
Any of the lipoprotein particles found in blood and lymph that is associated with the transport of dietary lipids from the small intestine to various tissues such as liver, adipose, cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue during digestion of fat.
Chylomicron is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins (the other four are VLDL, IDL, LDL, and HDL). They are synthesized in the small intestine and carried via the intestinal lacteals by way of the lymphatic system to various tissues of the body such as liver, adipose, cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue. In these tissues their triglyceride components are released through the activity of lipoprotein lipase. The chylomicron remnants are cleared by the liver by receptor-mediated endocytosis.
Word origin: chyl(e) + Greek mīkron, small thing, from neuter of mīkros, small.
Compare: vldl, idl, ldl, hdl

See also: lipoprotein

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