The period at which the symptoms begin to fade until the time the patient recovers from the disease
Also called:
- convalescence stage
See also:
The period at which the symptoms begin to fade until the time the patient recovers from the disease
Also called:
See also:
This tutorial presents Gregor Mendel's law of dominance. Learn more about this form of inheritance and how it can be pre..
This lesson is about the methods used for ecological research, such as quadrat and transect sampling, canopy fogging, an..
Meiosis is a form of cell division that creates gametes. It is comprised of two divisions that in the end, the resulting..
This tutorial describes the different types and causes of brain damage. Find out how genetics, physical injury, lack of ..
Illusions are the perceptions and sensory data obtained from situations in which human error prevents us from seeing the..
Molecules move within the cell or from one cell to another through different strategies. Transport may be in the form of..