Developmental biology is primarily concerned with how a living thing grows and attains maturity.
Developmental biology is a biological science that is primarily concerned with how a living thing grows and attains maturity. The tutorials included here focuses on human growth and development. Thus, one can expect to learn about human zygote developing and maturing into adulthood after these tutorials. Also included here are informative guides on dietary sources of nutrients critical for the proper growth and development of humans.
For human species to obviate extinction, reproductive mature adults should be producing viable offspring in order to continue the existence of the species and pass on genetic information from generation to generation. Read this tutorial to learn more about human reproduction and fertilization…
Upon fertilization, a zygote forms and develops into an embryo. This tutorial elaborates on the growth and development from zygote to embryo and ultimately to a human baby. ..
Following nine months inside the mother’s womb is the birth of the baby. Know the different stages of the birthing process in humans…
Different pregnancy and birth control and contraception strategies are described. Read this tutorial to learn each of these strategies. ..
This tutorial elaborates on the physical development of humans, particularly from puberty to adulthood. Read this tutorial to know the specific physical changes that female and male bodies undergo as they turn into adults…
This tutorial recognizes the importance of food as a source of energy that will fuel many biological processes. A good diet will be one consisting of the right amounts of nutritive compounds. Get to know the different nutritional requirements of the body through this tutorial…
A balanced diet is essential to a healthy organism. Insufficiency or too much of a particular element or compound, such as vitamins, in the body could disrupt the normal physiological activities. To know more about this topic, read this tutorial…
Apart from vitamins, the human body also requires high energy sources such as carbohydrates and fats. If you want an overview of the different carbohydrates and fats the body needs, read this tutorial…
Proteins and minerals can be derived from various dietary sources. They are essential for the proper growth and development. Know the importance of proteins and different minerals in this tutorial.