Dictionary > Dexterity


1. Right-handedness.
2. Readiness and grace in physical activity; skill and ease in using the hands; expertness in manual acts; as, dexterity with the chisel. In youth quick bearing and dexterity. (Shak)
3. Readiness in the use or control of the mental powers; quickness and skill in managing any complicated or difficult affair; adroitness. His wisdom . . . Was turned . . . Into a dexterity to deliver himself. (Bacon) He had conducted his own defense with singular boldness and dexterity. (Hallam)
Synonym: Adroitness, activity, nimbleness, expertness, skill, cleverness, art, ability, address, tact, facility, aptness, aptitude, faculty. See skill.
Origin: L. Dexteritas, fr. Dexter: cf. F. Dexterite. See dexter.

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