Dictionary > Exhaust


1. Drained; exhausted; having expended or lost its energy.
2. Pertaining to steam, air, gas, etc, that is released from the cylinder of an engine after having preformed its work. Exhaust draught, a forced draught produced by drawing air through a place, as through a furnace, instead of blowing it through. Exhaust fan, a fan blower so arranged as to produce an exhaust draught, or to draw air or gas out of a place, as out of a room in ventilating it. Exhaust nozzle, exhaust orifice, a valve that lets exhaust steam escape out of a cylinder.
Origin: L. Exhaustus, p.p.
1. To draw or let out wholly; to drain off completely; as, to exhaust the water of a well; the moisture of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.
2. To empty by drawing or letting out the contents; as, to exhaust a well, or a treasury.
3. To drain, metaphorically; to use or expend wholly, or till the supply comes to an end; to deprive wholly of strength; to use up; to weary or tire out; to wear out; as, to exhaust one’s strength, patience, or resources. A decrepit, exhausted old man at fifty-five. (Motley)
4. To bring out or develop completely; to discuss thoroughly; as, to exhaust a subject.
5. (Science: chemistry) to subject to the action of various solvents in order to remove all soluble substances or extractives; as, to exhaust a drug successively with water, alcohol, and ether. Exhausted receiver.
(Science: physics) see receiver.
Synonym: to spend, consume, tire out, weary.
Origin: L. Exhaustus, p.p. Of exhaurire; ex out – haurire, haustum, to draw, esp. Water; perhaps akin to Icel. Asua to sprinkle, pump.

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