Dictionary > Catalysis


noun, plural: catalyses
The causing of the acceleration of a chemical reaction induced by a catalyst
Of, relating to, or effecting catalysis
Catalysis is the causing of the acceleration of a chemical reaction. Catalyst is the term used to refer to the agent that promotes catalysis. It is capable of speeding up the chemical reaction but it is not affected by the action. With a catalyst, the chemical reaction uses less energy than one without a catalyst. Catalysis may be classified into (1) homogeneous catalysis and (2) heterogeneous catalysis depending on the type of catalyst involved. A homogeneous catalysis is a form of catalysis in which the catalyst is in the same physical state as that of the reactants. For example, reactants and catalyst are all gases. A heterogeneous catalysis is a form of catalysis in which the catalyst is in different physical state than the reactants. For example, heterogenous catalysis is one that involves solid catalysts that act on substrates in a liquid or gaseous reaction mixture.
Word origin: Greek katalusis from kataluein (to dissolve)
See also:

Related term(s):

  • General acid-base catalysis
  • Homogeneous catalysis
  • Heterogeneous catalysis
  • Catalyse
  • catalyst
  • Organocatalysis

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