Impregnated; made prolific. The scorching ray Here pierceth not, impregnate with disease. (Byron)
Origin: LL. Impraegnatus, p. P.
1. To make pregnant; to cause to conceive; to render prolific; to get with child or young.
2. (Science: biology) to come into contact with (an ovum or egg) so as to cause impregnation; to fertilize; to fecundate.
3. To infuse an active principle into; to render frutful or fertile in any way; to fertilize; to imbue.
4. To infuse particles of another substance into; to communicate the quality of another to; to cause to be filled, imbued, mixed, or furnished (with something); as, to impregnate india rubber with sulphur; clothing impregnated with contagion; rock impregnated with ore.
Origin: LL. Impraegnatus, p. P. Of impraegnare to impregnate, fr. L. Pref. Im- in – praegnans pregnant. See pregnant.
Dictionary > Impregnate
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