Dictionary > Movable joint

Movable joint

The most common and movable type of joint which is characterized by the presence of a layer of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage that lines the opposing bony surfaces, as well as a lubricating synovial fluid within the synovial cavity.
Examples are:

  • Gliding joints (or planar joints) – e.g. the carpals of the wrist
  • Hinge joints – e.g. the elbow (between the humerus and the ulna) and knee
  • Pivot joints – e.g the wrist
  • Condyloid joints (or ellipsoidal joints) – e.g. the thumb (between the metacarpal and carpal)
  • Saddle joints – e.g. the shoulder and hip joints
  • Ball and socket joints

These joints are the most movable type of joints in the human body in contrast to cartilaginous joints (such as synchondroses and symphyses) and fibrous joints (such as sutures, gomphoses and syndesmoses).

  • diarthrosis
  • synovial joint
  • articulatio synovialis
  • junctura synovialis
  • perarticulation

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