Dictionary > Necatoriasis


(parasitology) Infestation with Necator hookworms
Necatoriasis is an infestation (or infection) of Necator species. In humans, the causative agent of necatoriasis is Necator americanus (also known as the New World hookworm). It is a hookworm infesting humans as well as other animals (e.g. cats and dogs). Humans, though, are its definitive host. This hookworm belongs to group of parasitic worms referred to as helminths. Thus, necatoriasis is considered as a type of helminthiasis (i.e. worm infestation). Another Necator species is the Necator suillus which is a hookworm found in pigs.
Morphologically, Necator hookworms are similar to Ancylostoma species. Both of them are hook-shaped although Necator species is smaller and has a more defined hook shape.1 Both Necator and Ancylotstoma hookworms attach to the intestinal lining of their host to feed on blood. Thus, necatoriasis, similar to ancylostomiasis (Ancylostoma hookworm infestation), could result in hookworm anaemia. Nevertheless, the anaemia from necatoriasis is less severe than that from ancylostomiasis.
Necatoriasis is common in moist tropics and subtropics. It occurs in Africa, India, Asia, China, and Central America.
See also:


1 Ancylostoma/Necator. Retrieved from ://parasite.org.au/para-site/text/ancylostoma-necator-text.html.

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