Origin: Sp. Patata potato, batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably batata) in Hayti.
(Science: botany) A plant (solanum tuberosum) of the nightshade family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which there are numerous varieties used for food. It is native of south America, but a form of the species is found native as far north as new Mexico.
The sweet potato (see below). Potato beetle, Potato bug.
The large green larva of a sphinx, or hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); called also tomato worm.
(Science: botany) Seaside potato A vine (ipomoea pandurata) having a pale purplish flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy places in the united states. A similar tropical American plant (I. Fastigiata) which it is thought may have been the original stock of the sweet potato.
Dictionary > Potato