Dictionary > Proprioceptor


noun, plural: proprioceptors
A sensory receptor located in the subcutaneous tissues, and is capable of detecting motion (or movement) and position of the body through a stimulus produced within the body
Proprioception is the perception of one’s self. It is a perception of one’s body in terms of movement and position. One would be able to sense the position and movement of a body part relative to the other parts of the body. For instance, the person would be able to sense the position of the arm above the head or would be able to touch the nose with one’s finger even if blindfolded. This is due to the proprioceptors of the body. Proprioceptors are sensory receptors located in the subcutaneous tissues. They are capable of detecting motion (or movement) and position of the body through a stimulus produced within the body. They relay information to the brain when a body part is moving or its position relative to the rest of the body.
Examples of proprioceptors are as follows: neuromuscular spindle, Golgi tendon organ, joint kinesthetic receptor, vestibular apparatus. In particular, the Golgi tendon organ is a proprioceptor that provides information regarding the changes in muscle tension. The neuromuscular spindle is the one providing information about muscle length changes.
Word origin: Latin proprius, one’s own + receptor
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