1. (Science: symptom) tender to the touch; susceptible of pain from pressure; inflamed; painful; said of the body or its parts; as, a sore hand.
2. Sensitive; tender; easily pained, grieved, or vexed; very susceptible of irritation. Malice and hatred are very fretting and vexatious, and apt to make our minds sore and uneasy. (Tillotson)
3. (Science: medicine) Sore throat, inflammation of the throat and tonsils; pharyngitis. See Cynanche. Malignant, ulcerated or putrid, sore throat.
4. (Science: zoology) A young hawk or falcon in the first year. A young buck in the fourth year.
5. A place in an animal body where the skin and flesh are ruptured or bruised, so as to be tender or painful; a painful or diseased place, such as an ulcer or a boil. The dogs came and licked his sores. (Luke xvi. 21)
Origin: F. Saure, sore, sor; faucon sor a sore falcon. See Sorrel.
Dictionary > Sore
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