Dictionary > Straight seminiferous tubule

Straight seminiferous tubule

noun, plural: straight seminiferous tubules
Any of the short, straight canals of the seminiferous tubules that connect to the rete testis
The seminiferous tubules are tubules that occur within the testes. It has an epithelial lining comprised of specialized columnar cells called Sertoli cells and spermatogenic cells that give rise to sperm cells. The Sertoli cells are also referred to as sustentacular cells because they provide nourishment to the developing sperm cells. The seminiferous tubules are of two types: (1) the convoluted seminiferous tubules and (2) the straight seminiferous tubules. The convoluted seminiferous tubules are those twisted curved tubules in each lobule of the testis. They are where spermatogenesis occurs. The straight seminiferous tubules are the continuation of the tubulus seminifer contortus which becomes straight just before entering the mediastinum to form the rete testis.
The term, straight seminiferous tubules, though seems a misnomer since there are no sperm cells are produced here. Rather, they discharge the sperm cells produced in the convoluted seminiferous tubule into the rete testis.

  • tubulus renalis rectus
  • tubulus seminifer rectus
  • straight tubule
  • vasa recta
  • tubulus rectus


  • convoluted seminiferous tubule
  • See also:

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