Dictionary > Transpirtation
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Regulation of Organic Metabolism, Growth and Energy Balance
The human body is capable of regulating growth and energy balance through various feedback mechanisms. Get to know the e..
Birth of a Human Baby
Following nine months inside the mother's womb is the birth of the baby. Know the different stages of the birthing proce..
Animal Water Regulation
Animals adapt to their environment in aspects of anatomy, physiology, and behavior. This tutorial will help you understa..
Gibberellins and Gibberellic Acid
This tutorial describes the role of gibberellin family in plants. Find out the effects of gibberellin on plant growth an..
Independent Assortment and Crossing Over
This tutorial describes the independent assortment of chromosomes and crossing over as important events in meiosis. Read..
There are more species of insects than any other species combined. This surely illustrates that insects have the selecti..