Biology Dictionary: B
Search or browse the dictionary for the definition of biology terms starting with the letter “B”.
Dictionary > B
- B-cell
- Bacillus megaterium
- Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Back aperture
- Backbone
- Backcross
- Bacteria
- Bactericidal
- Bactericide
- Bacteriochlorophyll
- Bacteriolysin
- Bacteriophage
- Bacterioplankton
- Bacteriostat
- Bacteroides caccae
- Baculum
- Baelz disease
- Bainbridge reflex
- Balanced diet
- Balanoglossus
- Balantidium coli
- Balbiani rings
- Baldness
- Balete
- Balsam
- Banana
- Band cell
- Banding pattern
- Bangs disease
- Banyan
- Barb
- Bare area of liver
- Bare area of stomach
- Bark
- Barophile
- Barren
- Basal
- Basal body
- Basal granule
- Basal lamina
- Basal layer
- Basal medium
- Basal metabolic rate
- Basal surface
- Base
- Base analogue
- Base pair
- Base pair substitution
- Base pairing
- Base-pairing rule
- Baseline
- Baseplate
- Basic dye
- Basidium
- Basil
- Basilar meningitis
- Basipharyngeal canal
- Basis pedunculi
- Basolateral plasma membrane
- Basopenia
- Basophil
- Bass
- Bast fiber
- Batch culture
- Batch processing
- Battledore placenta
- Bayes theorem
- Bead
- Beading of the ribs
- Beaker
- Bean
- Bean sprouts
- Bears
- Bed of stomach
- Beer-Lambert law
- Behaviour
- Behaviour reflex
- Behavioural ecology
- Bell
- Bell-Magendie law
- Belly
- Belt desmosome
- Benedict-roth apparatus
- Benign
- Beriberi
- Beta barrel
- Beta-amylase
- Beta-blocker
- Bethesda unit
- Bi-bi reaction
- Biaxial joint
- Bicoid
- Bicuspid tooth
- Bides
- Bidirectional replication
- Biennial
- Bifid penis
- Bifurcation
- Bifurcation of trachea
- Bilabiate
- Bilateral
- Bilateral symmetry
- Bile
- Binary fission
- Binary vector
- Binocular vision
- Binomial nomenclature
- Biochemical
- Biochemical conversion process
- Biochemical Genetics
- Biochemistry
- Biocoenosis
- Biodegradable
- Biodiversity
- Biogenesis
- Biogeographic realm
- Biogeography
- Biological
- Biological clock
- Biological containment
- Biological magnification
- Biological Science
- Biological system
- Biology
- Bioluminescence
- Biomass
- Biome
- Biomembrane
- Biometry
- Biomolecule
- Biophoton
- Biophysics
- Biopolymer
- Biosphere
- Biosynthesis
- Biosystem
- Biota
- Biotechnology
- Biotic
- Biotic factor
- Biotic potential
- Biotic resource
- Biotic stress
- Bipedal
- Bipennate muscle
- Bird
- Birth
- Birth canal
- Birth Rate
- Bisect
- Bithorax
- Biuret test
- Bivalent
- Bivalent antibody
- Black sickness
- Bladder
- Blade
- Bland infarct
- Blast
- Blastocoel
- Blastula
- Blastulation
- Blattidae
- Bleed
- Blind study
- Blind test
- Blocking antibody
- Blood
- Blood cell
- Blood clot
- Blood clotting factor
- Blood glucose
- Blood pressure
- Blood vessel
- Blood volume
- Blood-air barrier
- Blood-brain barrier
- Bloodstream
- Blotting
- Blubber
- Blunt-end
- Blunt-end dna
- Body
- Body cavity
- Body fluid
- Boil
- Bolus injection
- Bone
- Bone marrow
- Bone matrix
- Bone tissue
- Bones of superior limb
- Book lungs
- Bos
- Botanical name
- Botanical nomenclature
- Botany
- Boundary layer
- Bovine
- Bowel
- Brachia
- Brachium pontis
- Brachysyndactyly
- Bradykinin
- Bradyzoite
- Brain coral
- Brainstem
- Branches of biology
- Branching tree
- Branchiomeric muscles
- Brandt-andrews manoeuvre
- Brassica
- Breast
- Breathing
- Breathing rate
- Breed
- Brevibacillus brevis
- Brick
- Broad spectrum
- Bronchopulmonary lymph node
- Bronchus
- Brontophobia
- Brood
- Broth
- Brother complex
- Brown adipose tissue
- Brown algae
- Brown bear
- Browspot
- Brush border
- Brussels sprouts
- Buccal
- Buccal cavity
- Buccal gingiva
- Buck’s traction
- Bud
- Bud stage
- Budding
- Buffer
- Bug
- Bull
- Buoyancy
- Burn
- Bursa omentalis
- Bush
- Buttercup
- By-product
- Bypass