Biology Dictionary: I
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Dictionary > I
- Ichthyology
- Icosahedral
- Ictus cordis
- Identification
- Idiojunctional rhythm
- Idiomuscular contraction
- Idose
- Ignition
- Ilial
- Iliopubic tract
- Ilium
- Illness
- Illness period
- Illusion
- Image
- Imbibe
- Imbricate
- Imino acid
- Imitation
- Immortalization
- Immovable joint
- Immune cytolysis
- Immune response
- Immune system
- Immunity
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunogen
- Immunoglobulin
- Immunoglobulin A
- Immunology
- Immunostimulator
- Immunosuppressant
- Impaction
- Impalefection
- Imperfect flower
- Impermeability
- Implosive therapy
- Impotence
- Impregnate
- Impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis
- Impressio trigeminalis
- Impressions for cerebral gyri
- Imprinting
- Impulse
- In situ
- In vitro
- In vivo
- Inactive mutant
- Inactive repressor
- Inborn
- Inborn Reflex
- Inbred strain
- Inbreeding
- Inbreeding depression
- Incidental parasite
- Incipient Species
- Incision
- Incisura
- Incisura acetabuli
- Incisura ischiadica minor
- Incisura vertebralis
- Inclusion
- Inclusion bodies
- Incomplete antibody
- Incomplete dominance
- Incomplete metamorphosis
- Incomplete penetrance
- Incubation
- Incubation period
- Incubatory carrier
- Incyclotropia
- Independent Assortment
- Independent variable
- Indeterminate cleavage
- Index
- India ink capsule stain
- Indicator Species
- Indicators and reagents
- Indifferent cell
- Indifferent electrode
- Indigestion
- Indirect life cycle
- Individual
- Individual Variation
- Indomalayan realm
- Induce
- Induced enzyme
- Induced fit model
- Induced Mutation
- Inducer
- Induction
- Inductothermy
- Indusium
- Industrial Microbiology
- Infant
- Infection
- Infectious disease
- Infectious heredity
- Infective stage
- Inferior margin
- Inferior thalamic peduncle
- Infestation
- Inflammatory response
- Influenza
- Infraciliature
- Infradian rhythm
- Infraorder
- Infundibuliform
- Infundibulo-ovarian ligament
- Infusoria
- Ingestion
- Ingress
- Inhalation
- Inhale
- Inheritance
- Inherited traits
- Inhibit
- Inhibiting Factor
- Inhibitors
- Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
- Initial cell
- Initial dose
- Initiation
- Initiation codon
- Injection
- Inner cell mass
- Ino-
- Inoculating loop
- Inoculation
- Inoculum
- Inorganic
- Inorganic catalyst
- Inorganic compound
- Inorganic molecule
- Inorganic salt
- Insect
- Insect Behavior
- Insect control
- Insecta
- Insemination
- Insensible perspiration
- Insertion (genetics)
- Insight learning
- Inspiration
- Inspiratory capacity
- Instinct
- Instream cover
- Insufflation
- Insulation
- Insulin
- Insults
- Intact
- Intake
- Integral membrane protein
- Integral protein
- Integrated Control
- Integration
- Integument
- Integumentary system
- Integumentum commune
- Interaction
- Interbreed
- Intercalary meristem
- Intercalate
- Intercalated
- Intercross
- Interference competition
- Interferon
- Interkinesis
- Intermaxillary segment
- Intermediary metabolism
- Intermediate filament
- Intermediate filaments
- Intermediate host
- Intermediate parts
- Intermolecular force
- Internal acoustic meatus
- Internal auditory canal
- Internal capsule
- Internal conjugate
- Internal environment
- Internal os
- Internal respiration
- Internal urethral sphincter
- Interneuron
- Internode
- Interoceptors
- Interphase
- Interspecific competition
- Interspecific hybridization
- Interspersed repeat
- Interstitial fluid
- Intertriginous
- Interureteric fold
- Intervenous tubercle
- Interzonal mesenchyme
- Intestinal mucosa
- Intestinum crassum
- Intestinum tenue mesenteriale
- Intra-articular cartilage
- Intracellular
- Intracellular digestion
- Intracellular fluid
- Intramolecular force
- Intraspecific
- Intraspecific competition
- Intraspecific hybridization
- Intravenous
- Intravenous injection
- Intrinsic muscles
- Intrinsic protein
- Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
- Intron
- Intrusion
- Invagination
- Invasion
- Invasion index
- Invasiveness
- Inversion
- Invertebrate
- Investing tissues
- Invisible spectrum
- Involucre
- Involucrum
- Involuntary muscle
- Involuntary Response
- Involution
- Iodamoeba
- Iodine test
- Ion
- Ion carrier
- Ion Pump
- Ionic bond
- Iris
- Irradiation
- Irritability
- Ischemia
- Ischial spine
- Islets of Langerhans
- Isodynamic
- Isoenzyme
- Isoionic point
- Isolation
- Isomalt
- Isomaltose
- Isomaltulose
- Isomerase
- Isomerism
- Isopeptide bond
- Isopod
- Isosmotic
- Isotonic
- Isotonic solution
- Isotonicity