Biology Dictionary: M
Search or browse the dictionary for the definition of biology terms starting with the letter “M”.
Dictionary > M
- Mac
- Macaca fascicularis
- Mach line
- Macroevolution
- Macromolecule
- Macronucleus
- Macroorganism
- Macrophage
- Macrophallus
- Macrophyllous
- Macrophyte
- Macroscopic
- Macrospore
- Macula adherens
- Macula cerulea
- Macula lutea
- Macular erythema
- Magnetosome
- Magnetotaxis
- Magnification
- Magnoliopsida
- Major groove
- Major histocompatibility complex
- Mal
- Malaria
- Malate
- Male
- Malic acid
- Malpighian layer
- Malpighian tubule
- Maltose
- Maltotriose
- Malvaceae
- Mammal
- Mammalia
- Mammalogy
- Mammary gland
- Man
- Mandibular arch
- Mango
- Mangrove
- Manifesting heterozygote
- Manipulation
- Mannitol
- Mannose
- Manometer
- Mantis
- Mantle
- Mantle layer
- Manual
- Manubrium
- Map distance
- Mareys law
- Margin
- Marine
- Marker
- Marker enzyme
- Marker gene
- Marram Grass
- Marrow
- Marsupial
- Masculine uterus
- Mask
- Mass extinction
- Mass-action ratio
- Masseteric tuberosity
- Mastich
- Mastigomycotina
- Mastigophora
- Matched-pair analysis
- Mate
- Maternal gene
- Maternal inheritance
- Maternal-effect gene
- Matrix
- Matter
- Maturation
- Mature
- Mature mRNA
- Maturity
- Maxam-Gilbert sequencing
- Maxillipeds
- Maximum temperature
- Mean vector
- Meat
- Meatus
- Mechanical
- Mechanical equilibrium
- Mechanism
- Mechanoreceptor
- Medial canthus
- Medial longitudinal fissure
- Median
- Median plane
- Mediate
- Mediator
- Medicinal plant
- Mediotrusion
- Medium
- Medulla oblongata
- Medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone
- Medullary cone
- Medullary Sheath
- Medusa
- Megakaryoblast
- Megakaryocyte
- Meiosis
- Meiosis I
- Meiosis II
- Meiospore
- Meiotic spindle
- Melanin
- Melanism
- Melanocyte
- Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
- Melanoderma
- Melanogenesis
- Melanophore
- Melanosome
- Melatonin
- Melon
- Melotia
- Melting temperature of dna
- Meltzer-lyon test
- Membrane
- Membrane protein
- Membrane Transport Protein
- Memory
- Memory B cell
- Memory cell
- Memory T cell
- Mendelian Genetics
- Mendelian inheritance
- Menoxenia
- Menstrual cycle
- Menstruation
- Meristem
- Merkel disk receptor
- Meroblastic cleavage
- Merocrine gland
- Merozoite
- Mesocarnivore
- Mesokaryotic
- Mesophile
- Mesophyll
- Mesophyll layer
- Mesophyte
- Messenger ribonucleic acid
- Meta-
- Metabiosis
- Metabole
- Metabolic disorder
- Metabolic pathway
- Metabolic rate
- Metabolic Water
- Metabolism
- Metabolite
- Metacentric chromosome
- Metachromasia
- Metachromatic granules
- Metakinesis
- Metalloenzyme
- Metameric
- Metamerism
- Metamorphism
- Metamorphosis
- Metamyelocyte
- Metaphase
- Metaphase I
- Metaphase II
- Metaphase plate
- Metaphloem
- Metaprotein
- Metastasis
- Metatherian mammal
- Metaxylem
- Metazoan
- Methampyrone
- Methanogen
- Methanogenesis
- Methanotroph
- Methionine
- Methodology
- Methyl aldehyde
- Methyl group
- Mexican hat cell
- Michaelis-menten hypothesis
- Microaerophile
- Microalgae
- Microbe
- Microbiology
- Micrococcus luteus
- Microelectrode
- Microevolution
- Microfibril
- Microfilament
- Microfilaria
- Microhabitat
- Microheterogeneity
- Micrometer
- Micromolecule
- Micron
- Micronucleus
- Micronutrient
- Microorganism
- Microparasites
- Microphagous
- Microsatellite
- Microscope
- Microscopic
- Microscopic anatomy
- Microscopic section
- Microsphere
- Microspore
- Microtome
- Microtubule
- Microtubule nucleation
- Microtubule organizing center
- Microtubule-associated protein
- Microvillus
- Microwave
- Micturition reflex
- Middle lamella
- Midgut
- Midrib
- Midsagittal section
- Midsternum
- Migration
- Milieu
- Milieu interieur
- Milk
- Mill wheel murmur
- Millepora alcicornis
- Millons reagent
- Millons test
- Mim number
- Mimicry
- Mineral
- Mineral soil
- Mineralization
- Mineralocorticoid
- Miniature end plate potential
- Minimum temperature
- Minisatellite
- Mint
- Missense mutation
- Mite
- Mitochondrial DNA
- Mitochondrial inheritance
- Mitochondrion
- Mitogen
- Mitoplast
- Mitosis
- Mitospore
- Mitotic phase
- Mitotic spindle
- Mitral valve
- Mixotroph
- Mobilization
- Moderator variable
- Modern genetics
- Modification
- Modification enzyme
- Modulation
- Moiety
- Moisture
- Moisture content
- Molar behaviour
- Molar extinction coefficient
- Molarity
- Mole
- Molecular behaviour
- Molecular biology
- Molecular chaperones
- Molecular distillation
- Molecular formula
- Molecular genetics
- Molecular mass
- Molecular neuroscience
- Molecular structure
- Molecular weight ratio
- Molecule
- Monad
- Monandrous
- Mongolian fold
- Monkey
- Monoblast
- Monoblastic
- Monoclonal
- Monoclonal antibody
- Monocondylic skull
- Monocot
- Monocotyledon
- Monocular vision
- Monoculture
- Monocyte
- Monocytopenia
- Monocytopoiesis
- Monod-Wyman-Changeux model
- Monogene
- Monogenea
- Monogenic disease
- Monogenic inheritance
- Monogenic trait
- Monogenism
- Monoglyceride
- Monohybrid
- Monohybrid cross
- Monomorphic
- Mononuclear leukocyte
- Mononuclear phagocyte system
- Mononucleate
- Mononucleotide
- Monophyletic
- Monoploid
- Monoploidy
- Monosaccharide
- Monosomy
- Monospermy
- Monotremata
- Monotreme
- Monotropa
- Monounsaturated fat
- Monounsaturated fatty acid
- Monovalent
- Monozygotic twins
- Moon face
- Moores lightning streaks
- Moraxella bovis
- Morners test
- Morphological features
- Morphology
- Mortality
- Mosaic
- Mosaic disease
- Mosaic egg
- Mosaicism
- Moss
- Moss capsule
- Moth
- Mother
- Mother cell
- Motility
- Motogen
- Motor
- Motor neuron
- Motor point
- Mount
- Mounting
- Mouth
- Movable joint
- Movement
- Mri
- Mucilage
- Mucin
- Mucoid
- Mucolipidosis
- Mucopeptide
- Mucor
- Mucosa
- Mucus
- Mud
- Mudfish
- Mulch
- Mule
- Multicellularity
- Multiparous
- Multipennate muscle
- Multiple alleles
- Multiple fruit
- Multiplication
- Multiplicative growth
- Multiply
- Multipolar
- Multipolar mitosis
- Multipotent
- Mung
- Murein
- Musci
- Muscle
- Muscle bundle
- Muscle cell
- Muscle contraction
- Muscle fascicle
- Muscle fatigue
- Muscle plasma
- Muscle plate
- Muscle relaxation
- Muscle spindle
- Muscle tissue
- Muscle tone
- Muscle tonus
- Muscular dystrophy
- Muscular system
- Musculus biventer mandibulae
- Mushroom
- Mutagen
- Mutagenesis
- Mutant
- Mutation
- Muted tidal regime
- Mutualism
- Mutualistic symbiosis
- Mycelium
- Mycetes
- Mycoplankton
- Myelin
- Myelinated nerve
- Myelinated neuron
- Myeloblast
- Mylohyoid groove
- Mylohyoid ridge
- Myoblast
- Myocardium
- Myoepithelial cell
- Myofilament
- Myogenesis
- Myoglobin
- Myology
- Myometrium
- Myopia
- Myosalpingitis
- Myosin
- Myosin atpase
- Myosin filament
- Myotenositis
- Myriapoda
- Mytilus edulis
- Myxine
- Myxoid degeneration