Biology Dictionary: T
Search or browse the dictionary for the definition of biology terms starting with the letter “T”.
Dictionary > T
- T tube
- T-banding
- T-helper cell
- TAB vaccine
- Tachyzoite
- Tactile sense
- Tactual performance test
- Taenia
- Taenia saginata
- Taenia solium
- Tail
- Tallow
- Talo-
- Talose
- Tandem repeat
- Tannin
- Tannosome
- Tap water enema
- Tapetum
- Tapetum lucidum
- Tapeworm
- Taproot
- Tare
- Target cell
- Target organ
- Target response
- Tarsus
- Tartar
- Tassel
- Taste
- Taste buds
- Taxis
- Taxon
- Taxonomic group
- Taxonomy
- Tdth cells
- Tear
- Tear stone
- Technical error
- Technology
- Tectum
- Teeth
- Telereceptor
- Teleroentgenography
- Teletactor
- Telocentric chromosome
- Telodendria
- Telodendron
- Telomere
- Telophase
- Telophase I
- Telophase II
- Tem
- Temperate phage
- Temperate virus
- Temperature
- Temperature Regulation
- Temperature response
- Template
- Temples
- Temporal
- Temporal process
- Temporoparietalis muscle
- Tender
- Tenderness to palpation
- Tendolysis
- Tendril
- Tenorrhaphy
- Tense
- Tension
- Tensor
- Tentacle
- Tents
- Teratogenesis
- Terminal
- Terminal bud
- Terminal electron acceptor
- Terminal hair
- Terminal nerve
- Terminal web
- Termination
- Termination codon
- Terminology
- Terms
- Terraculture
- Terrestrial
- Terrestrial animal
- Terrestrial plant
- Territorial matrix
- Tertian fever
- Tertiary consumer
- Test
- Test cross
- Testa
- Testosterone
- Tetany
- Tetrad
- Tetrapod
- Tetrasomy
- Tetraspore
- Tetrodon
- Tetrose
- Tg cells
- Thalamus
- Thalassophobia
- Thallic
- Thallus
- Thea
- Thelytoky
- Theophrastus
- Theory
- Theory of electrolytic dissociation
- Theria
- Thermal sense
- Thermoacidophile
- Thermoanesthesia
- Thermometer
- Thermophile
- Thermoreceptor
- Thermotaxis
- Thermotropism
- Thiamine
- Thick filament
- Thigmonasty
- Thigmotropism
- Thin filament
- Thin-layer chromatography
- Third-order kinetics
- Thirst behavior
- Thistle tube
- Thoracic cavity
- Thorax
- Thready pulse
- Threatened species
- Three-chambered heart
- Threonine
- Threshold
- Threshold body
- Threshold limit value
- Threshold substance
- Threshold trait
- Throat
- Thrombin
- Thromboplastinogen
- Thrombopoiesis
- Thrombopoietin
- Thrombosis
- Thromboxane
- Thrombus
- Thrust
- Thyme
- Thymidine
- Thymidine diphosphate
- Thymidine monophosphate
- Thymidine triphosphate
- Thymine
- Thyropharyngeus
- Thyrotroph
- Thyroxine
- Tick
- Tidal
- Tidal air
- Tidal amplitude
- Tiger heart
- Tight junction
- Tigroid retina
- Timber
- Tissue
- Tissue culture
- Tissue culture plastic
- Tissue distribution
- Tissue embedding
- Tissue extracts
- Tissue hormones
- Tissue Layer
- Tissue perfusion
- Tissue repair
- Tissue respiration
- Tissue weighting factor
- Titer
- Titrate
- Toadstools
- Tobacco
- Tobacco mosaic virus
- Todd unit
- Tolerance
- Tolerogen
- Tomato
- Tongue
- Tonic
- Tonic contraction
- Tonicity
- Tonoplast
- Tonus
- Tooth bud
- Top Carnivores
- Top-shell
- Topographic anatomy
- Topology
- Torso
- Totipotent
- Totipotent cell
- Toxigenicity
- Toxin
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Trabecula
- Trabeculae carneae
- Trabecular bone
- Tracheary elements
- Tracheid
- Tracheophyte
- Tractus temporopontinus
- Trailing
- Traits
- Trans-
- Transactivation
- Transcellular fluid
- Transcription (biology)
- Transcription unit
- Transcriptional silencing
- Transducer
- Transection
- Transfection
- Transfer ribonucleic acid
- Transferase
- Transformation
- Transgene
- Transgenesis
- Transgenic
- Transgenic organisms
- Transglycosylation
- Transit peptide
- Transition
- Transition mutation
- Translation
- Translational control
- Translocation
- Transmembrane protein
- Transmembrane proteins
- Transmethylation
- Transmissible disease
- Transmission
- Transmittance
- Transmutation
- Transmutation of species
- Transphosphorylation
- Transpiration
- Transpiration Stream
- Transpirtation
- Transport
- Transportase
- Transportation
- Transposition
- Transposon
- Transudate
- Transudation
- Transversion
- Trap
- Trapezoid ridge
- Traumatic dermatitis
- Treatment failure
- Tree
- Trehalose
- Trematoda
- Trematode
- Triad
- Trials
- Tribe
- Tribes
- Trichocyst
- Trichome
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Trichomoniasis
- Trichuris trichiura
- Tricuspid valve
- Triglyceride
- Trigona fibrosa cordis
- Trigonum vesicae
- Trimorphism
- Trinomen
- Trinucleotide repeat disorder
- Triose
- Triple response
- Triple-X syndrome
- Triplegia
- Triplicate
- Triploblastic
- Triploblasty
- Triploid
- Trisomy
- Troglodytes
- Troglotrema salmincola
- Trophic
- Trophic dynamics
- Trophic level
- Trophozoite
- Trophozoites
- Tropic
- Tropism
- Tropocollagen
- Tropomyosin
- Troponin
- True breeding
- Truffles
- Truncus sympathicus
- Truslers rule for pulmonary artery banding
- Trypomastigote
- Trypsin
- Tuatara
- Tuber maxillae
- Tuber omentale
- Tuber parietale
- Tubercle
- Tuberculum minus humeri
- Tuberculum nuclei gracilis
- Tuberositas coracoidea
- Tuberositas sacralis
- Tuberosity for serratus anterior muscle
- Tubule
- Tuko-tuko
- Tumbler
- Tumor
- Tunicate
- Tunicin
- Turbellaria
- Turbot
- Turgidity
- Turgor pressure
- Turion
- Turkish saddle
- Turnover
- Turpentine enema
- Twin method
- Twiner
- Twins
- Twitch
- Tyndallization
- Type species
- Tyrosine