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Search Results for: biogeography


Biogeography (Science: study) The study of the distribution of different species of organisms around the planet and the... Read More


Plankton is a diverse group of typically microscopic, aquatic organisms suspended in the water column and rely on water... Read More

Community (biology)

Community, in biology, refers to the assemblage of interacting organisms (either of the same or different species)... Read More

Northern Africa and biodiversity

Northern Africa and biodiversity Content Partner: United Nations Environment Programme (other articles) Article Topics:... Read More


Genus Definition A genus is a taxonomic category ranking used in biological classification that is below family and above... Read More


Biology Definition Biology is the branch of science that primarily deals with the structure, function, growth, evolution,... Read More


Honey Bee Definition A honey bee is a type of bee known for collecting honey and living in communities. The true honey bees... Read More


Apomixis Definition Just like any other organism, the process of reproduction is pivotal to the life cycle of plants. There... Read More

Branches of biology

What is a Branch of Biology? A branch of biology is a specialized field or a sub-discipline in a much broader field of... Read More

Allopatric speciation

We can define speciation as a process by which the novel genetically independent group of organisms are formed through the... Read More

Evolutionary biology

Definition noun The branch of biology concerned with the evolution of organisms, particularly the origin and descent of... Read More

Species Richness

Definition noun, Pertains to a number of different species represent in a given ecological community. Supplement Species... Read More

Biogeographic realm

Definition noun, plural: biological realms Any of the large spatial regions of the Earth's land surface with ecosystems... Read More

Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA Definition noun plural: mitochondrial DNAs The genetic material in the mitochondrion that carries code... Read More

Takahē (Porphyrio hochstetteri)

By: Maria Victoria GonzagaPreviously, we've seen the different animals endemic to New Zealand. Due to the... Read More


Zoology Definition Zoology is an ever-evolving branch of Biology dealing with the members of the Kingdom Animalia. It... Read More