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Search Results for: blade


Blade The expanded part of a leaf or petal. Especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the... Read More


Leaves are highly efficient solar energy converters. They capture light energy and through the process of photosynthesis.... Read More


The word "leaflet" is defined as one of the individual leaf-like structures comprising a compound leaf. A quick look at a... Read More


Angiosperms Definition What is an angiosperm? An angiosperm is a plant that produces flowers. The angiosperms, also... Read More


A seaweed refers to any of the macroscopic marine algae. They include the conspicuous, multicellular algal species of... Read More

Intercalary meristem

The basic structural framework of plants is composed of different types of tissues. Based upon the capacity to divide, the... Read More

Brown algae

Brown Algae Definition Brown algae are algal species characterized by being multicellular and having a brown or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: grasses (1) Monocotyledonous plant of the family Poaceae (also called Gramineae) characterized by... Read More


The swaying and winding of kelp in the ocean currents has an entrancing, hypnotic quality that would be the envy of the... Read More

Leaf Blade

Especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole.The photosynthetic part of a... Read More


Microalgae Definition Microalgae (singular: microalga) are microscopic algal species as opposed to other algae that are... Read More


Leaf Definition (botany) A plant organ that is specialized for photosynthesis. Collectively, it constitutes foliage.... Read More


Definition noun, plural: petioles (1) (botany) The stalk at the base of the leaf blade, attaching and supporting the leaf... Read More


External Form of a Woody Twig A woody twig, or stem, is an axis with leaves attached. The leaves are arranged in various... Read More


Definition noun, plural: kelps A brown seaweed of the order Laminariales Supplement The kelp is a brown seaweed... Read More


Definition noun, plural: cutins (botany) A waxy polymer of hydroxy acids in the cuticle of plants (medicine) An animal... Read More

Parasite Rex : Inside the Bizarre World of Nature’s Most Dangerous Creatures

 Parasite Rex : Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures  ... Read More

Petiolate plant

Definition noun, plural: petiolate plants (botany) Any of the group of flowering plants that possess petiole, which is a... Read More


Definition noun, plural: phyllodes (1) A modified petiole in some plants in which the petiole is characteristically... Read More

Hyaline cartilage

Hyaline Cartilage Definition Before we define hyaline cartilage, let us understand what cartilage is. What is cartilage? Is... Read More


Definition noun, plural: bladders (1) (anatomy) A distensible membranous sac or organ that can hold liquid or gas (2)... Read More


Stipulate Definition Stipulate meaning: Stipulate typically refers to a specific feature or characteristic of a plant's... Read More


Leafstalk (Science: botany) The stalk or petiole which supports a leaf. The slender stem that supports the blade of a... Read More


Definition adjective (1) (botany) Having a petiole or leafstalk attaching the leaf blade to the stem. (2) (entomology)... Read More