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Search Results for: cartilage

Hyaline cartilage

Hyaline Cartilage Definition Before we define hyaline cartilage, let us understand what cartilage is. What is cartilage? Is... Read More

Elastic cartilage

The cartilage is a connective tissue characterized by having an extracellular matrix that is abundant in chondroitin sulfate... Read More


What Is Fibrocartilage? Fibrocartilage is the strongest transitional connective tissue made up of collagen fibers and... Read More


Definition noun A type of connective tissue that is firm and flexible and having an extracellular matrix comprised mainly of... Read More

Cartilage cell

Definition noun, plural: cartilage cells (histology) A differentiated cell embedded in the extracellular matrix,... Read More


There are two forms of cells in cartilage: chondroblasts and chondrocytes. The chondroblasts are cells that secrete the... Read More

Quadrangular cartilage

quadrangular cartilage --> nasal septal cartilage A thin cartilaginous plate located between vomer, perpendicular plate... Read More


Definition of Lacuna What is lacuna? The word "lacuna" (noun, plural: lacunae) is derived from the Latin word- 'lacus',... Read More

Intra-articular cartilage

Intra-articular cartilage --> articular disc a plate or ring of fibrocartilage attached to the joint capsule and... Read More


Bodies of living organisms are organized structures. These are organized in a hierarchy of organ systems, organs, tissues,... Read More

Greater alar cartilage

Greater alar cartilage One of a pair of cartilages that form the tip of the nose. It consists of a medial crus that extends... Read More


Definition noun, plural: chondrocytes A cell occupying a lacuna in the extracellular matrix of the cartilage Supplement The... Read More


The manubrium is a handle-like structure, as in the manubrium of the sternum or of the malleus. In Latin, it translates to... Read More

Diarthrodial joint

What is a diarthrodial joint? A diarthrosis joint is a freely moving joint characterized by its mobility and joint cavity... Read More


What are proteoglycans? Proteoglycans are primarily a type of polysaccharide. Structurally, proteoglycans are... Read More

Skeletal system

What is the Skeletal System? How to define a skeleton? The skeletal system is the main framework that gives your body its... Read More

Cartilaginous joint

Definition noun, plural: cartilaginous joints A joint covered with cartilage, such as hyaline or fibrocartilage to allow... Read More

Animal Growth Hormones

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.As mentioned in the previous tutorial, hormones are produced in... Read More

Crown of head

Crown of Head Definition The crown of the head is the upper dorsal part (or area) of the head. Several creatures have... Read More

Bone matrix

Bone Matrix Definition Bone matrix refers to the matrix component of bone tissue. It provides the structural framework and... Read More

Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia Definition Each person can say that they know of or can name at least one animal. However, do people know... Read More

Dense regular connective tissue

The dense connective tissue is a type of connective tissue proper that consists predominantly of fibers, especially type I... Read More


Osteocyte Definition The osteocyte is a mature bone cell. Other bone cell types are osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and... Read More


Definition noun (anatomy) The superior muscle arising from the thyroid cartilage, and, together with cricopharyngeus,... Read More

Bone tissue

Definition noun, plural: bone tissues A mineralized connective tissue from which bones are made. Supplement The bone tissue... Read More


Chordata Definition What is Chordata? Chordata is the phylum of the animal kingdom that includes a large number of animal... Read More

Territorial matrix

territorial matrix --> cartilage capsule The more intensely basophilic matrix in hyaline cartilage surrounding the... Read More

Hyoid apparatus

Definition noun A group of bones comprised of hyoid body and two pairs of cornua (i.e. greater cornua and lesser cornua),... Read More

Plica vestibularis

plica vestibularis --> vestibular fold One of the pair of folds of mucous membrane stretching across the laryngeal cavity... Read More


Definition noun (biochemistry) The polysaccharide unit of proteoglycan Supplement Glycosaminoglycans are the polysaccharide... Read More

Appositional growth

Definition noun Growth by forming new layers on the surface of pre-existing layers; process of increasing in thickness... Read More

Synovial fluid

Definition noun A clear, viscid fluid in the synovial joints and secreted by the membrane that lines the... Read More


Organization of the Respiratory System Each lung is composed of air sacs called alveoli - the sites of gas exchange with... Read More


Definition noun A taxonomic class comprised of cartilaginous fish Supplement Chondrichthyes is taxonomic superclass of... Read More

Synovial joint

Definition noun A movable joint comprised of a layer of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage that lines the opposing bony... Read More


Definition noun, plural: vertebrae, vertebras Any of the irregular bony structure with some hyaline cartilage that make up... Read More

Replacement bone

replacement bone --> endochondral bone A bone that develops in a cartilage environment after the latter is partially or... Read More


Valgus Definition Valgus means "outwardly turned bone". ‘Valgus’ refers to anatomical bone deformity wherein a part of... Read More

Dense irregular connective tissue

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Definition Dense irregular connective tissue is one of the two major types of dense... Read More


tarsus Origin: NL, fr. Gr. The flat of the foot, the edge of the eyelid. Cf. 2d Tarse. 1. (Science: anatomy) The ankle; the... Read More