141 results found

Search Results for: drug


Definition noun, plural: drugs (1) Any chemical substance administered for therapeutic purposes, diagnosis, prevention of... Read More

Peak plasma drug concentration

peak plasma drug concentration (Science: pharmacology) The highest level of drug that can be obtained in the blood usually... Read More


What is an Agonist? In biology, an "agonist" is the "doer of an action". Opposite of it is the antagonist, which opposes... Read More


Resistance, vulnerability, sensitivity, tolerance, and susceptibility are some highly important terminologies across the... Read More

Bolus injection

A bolus injection is the act of administering a dose of medication or substance directly into the bloodstream by injection.... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More

Autocrine signaling

Autocrine Signaling Definition What is autocrine signaling? Autocrine signaling is a type of cell signaling wherein a cell... Read More

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) is part of or a region in the endoplasmic... Read More

Dependent variable

Definition noun, plural: dependent variables (mathematical modeling) The variable in a functional relation whose value is... Read More


Hydrophilic Definition What does a hydrophile (or hydrophilic molecule) mean? If a molecule is “water-loving”, it is... Read More


In the enchanting tapestry of life, the smallest of heroes and a celestial protagonist emerges—'the atom'. With grace and... Read More

Synergistic effect

Synergistic Effects Definition In biology, synergistic effects are the effects when chemical substances or biological... Read More


Albumin Definition What is albumin? Is albumin a protein? In biology, albumin is a protein that is responsible for the... Read More


Conjugate Definition Conjugate in a broader sense refers to related pairs of substances or entities that are interconnected... Read More

Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking: Wade Davis and the Secret of the Zombie Poison By Patrick D. Hahn Accepted on September 4, 2007 Twenty... Read More


What is Diaphoresis? Diaphoresis is referred to excessive or profuse perspiration or sweating which may be due to... Read More


Definition noun The branch in medicine that deals with the study of drugs, especially their action, use, preparation, and... Read More


Diuresis Definition In simple terms, excessively increased urination is referred to as diuresis. Diuresis is a collective... Read More

Silent mutation

A mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene or a chromosome. When there is only one nucleotide involved, it... Read More


Accumulation The action or process of accumulating, state of being or having accumulated, a collecting together. (Science:... Read More


Probability DefinitionHow do you define probability? In science, probability is a measurement tool that calculates the... Read More


tolerance 1. The ability to endure unusually large doses of a drug or toxin. 2. Acquired drug tolerance, a decreasing... Read More

Controlled experiment

Definition noun A scientific investigation in which both the control group and experimental group(s) are kept under... Read More


What is a phospholipid? Phospholipids are a subgroup of lipids. Other major types of lipids are fatty acids, sphingolipids,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: variables (1) Something that varies or have no fixed quantitative value. (2) A quantity that... Read More


Pinocytosis Definition What is pinocytosis?  Pinocytosis is the ingestion of extracellular fluids, i.e. the fluid... Read More

First-order kinetics

What is a First-Order Kinetics (First-Order Reaction)? First-order kinetics refers to a reaction wherein the overall rate... Read More

Alimentary canal

Definition of Alimentary canal What is the alimentary canal? The alimentary canal is a muscular hollow continuous tubular... Read More

Endomembrane system

Ever wondered how biomolecules are made within the cell and then they are released outside the cell for use by the body?... Read More


Definition noun plural: mannitols man·ni·tol, ˈmæn ɪˌtɔl A sugar alcohol with a sweetish taste, occurs naturally in... Read More

In vivo

Definition adjective, adverb (Of a biological process) made to occur within the living organism Supplement The term in vivo... Read More


Definition noun, plural: suspensions (1) (biochemistry) The state in which the particles of a substance are dispersed but... Read More


Hypersensitivity Definition Hypersensitivity is the exaggerated immune response to protect the human from foreign bodies... Read More

Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies

Perspective Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies Cynthia M. Arbeeny Address... Read More


The science of Embryology and Fetal development has fascinated mankind since time immemorial. After the embryonic stage, the... Read More

Branches of biology

What is a Branch of Biology? A branch of biology is a specialized field or a sub-discipline in a much broader field of... Read More


Mutagen Definition What is a mutagen? A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes DNA impairment that results in the... Read More

Independent variable

Independent Variable Definition To define an independent variable, let us first understand what a variable is. The word... Read More

Gene amplification

Definition noun, plural: gene amplifications The process of duplicating a particular gene, causing the gene to increase in... Read More


Contamination Definition Contamination, sometimes interchanged with pollution, is the existence of live things or... Read More