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Search Results for: gen


Gen (Science: prefix) being born, producing, coming to be. Origin: g. Genos, birth (Science: suffix) Denotes precursor... Read More


A gene is the fundamental, physical, and functional unit of heredity. The genes make up the sequences of DNA (genotypes).... Read More

Exogenous antigen

Definition noun Antigen that enters the body of the organism from the outside, e.g. through inhalation, ingestion, or... Read More


Generation 1. The act of generating or begetting; procreation, as of animals. 2. Origination by some process, mathematical,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: agglutinogens Any substance that acts as an antigen to stimulate production of specific... Read More


Definition noun, plural: immunogens Any substance that stimulates an immune response, such as production of specific... Read More


Definition noun, plural: mitogens Any substance that triggers mitosis, as well as lymphocyte... Read More


Lactogen An agent that stimulates milk production or secretion. Origin: Lacto-- g. -gen, producing human placental lactogen... Read More

The Psychobiology of Hysteria

EditorialHysteria is often regarded as the archetypal psychodynamic illness. Freud carried out much of his early work on... Read More


Face 1. The exterior form or appearance of anything; that part which presents itself to the view; especially, the front or... Read More


Meat 1. Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment, either by man or beast. Hence, the edible part of anything; as,... Read More


Fowl Instead of the pl. Fowls the singular is often used collectively. OE. Foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, as. Fugol;... Read More


pill The peel or skin. Some be covered over with crusts, or hard pills, as the locusts. Origin: Cf. Peel skin, or... Read More


Man Origin: as. Mann, man, monn, mon; akin to os, D, & OHG. Man, g. Mann, Icel. Mathr, for mannr, dan. Mand, Sw. Man,... Read More


sole 1. The bottom of the foot; hence, also, rarely, the foot itself. The dove found no rest for the sole of her foot. (gen.... Read More


void 1. Containing nothing; empty; vacant; not occupied; not filled. The earth was without form, and void. (gen. I. 2) I 'll... Read More


slime 1. Soft, moist earth or clay, having an adhesive quality; viscous mud. As it Nilus ebbs, the seedsman Upon the slime... Read More


senile Of or pertaining to old age; proceeding from, or characteristic of, old age; affected with the infirmities of old... Read More


Arm 1. The limb of the human body which extends from the shoulder to the hand; also, the corresponding limb of a monkey. 2.... Read More


Definition noun (1) A condition in which oxygen is completely absent or depleted. (2) Severe hypoxia; lack of oxygen... Read More


wine 1. The expressed juice of grapes, especially. When fermented; a beverage or liquor prepared from grapes by squeezing... Read More


well 1. Good in condition or circumstances; desirable, either in a natural or moral sense; fortunate; convenient;... Read More


woman 1. An adult female person; a grown-up female person, as distinguished from a man or a child; sometimes, any female... Read More


multiply 1. To become greater in number; to become numerous. When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and... Read More