19 results found

Search Results for: mediate


mediate indirect, accomplished by the aid of an intervening... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More


Bivalent Definition What is bivalent? In genetics, bivalent is used in describing homologous chromosomes (referred to as... Read More

Consciousness and Behavior

States of Consciousness Defined either by (1) behavior - ranging from attentive and alert to coma and (2) electrical... Read More

Movement of Molecules Across Cell Membranes

Diffusion Diffusion is essentially the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower... Read More

Chloroplast DNA

Definition noun plural: chloroplast DNAs DNA in the chloroplast that carries the code for proteins and RNAs essential to... Read More


Definition noun, plural: chemokines A chemotactic cytokine released by cells to function in chemotaxis, inflammation, and... Read More

Axon terminal

An axon terminal is any of the button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve... Read More

Microtubule-associated protein

Definition noun, plural: microtubule-associated proteins Any of the proteins bound to the tubulin subunits of the... Read More


Anabolism Definition Metabolic processes involve the conversion of one molecule into another through a sequence of chemical... Read More

Lymphoid cell

Definition noun, plural: lymphoid cells (1) Any of the cells that mediate the production of immunity, including lymphocytes,... Read More


receptor 1. A molecular structure within a cell or on the surface characterised by selective binding of a specific substance... Read More


Plants require growth hormones for their regulated growth. Plant growth hormones or regulators (PGRs) are small organic... Read More

Molecular chaperones

molecular chaperones A family of cellular proteins that mediate the correct assembly or disassembly of other polypeptides,... Read More

Golgi apparatus

Golgi Apparatus Definition The Golgi apparatus is a membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells. It plays a crucial role... Read More

Humoral immunity

Let’s get to know where one should place humoral immunity, the topic of today’s discussion!! By the end of the article,... Read More

Fluid mosaic model

Fluid Mosaic Model Definition What is the fluid mosaic model? The fluid mosaic model is a three-dimensional representation... Read More

Cell wall

The cell is the structural, functional, and biological unit of all organisms. It is a membrane-bound structure containing... Read More

Hormone Production

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands in the endocrine system.... Read More