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Search Results for: parameter


parameter A variable whose measure is indicative of a quantity or function that cannot itself be precisely determined by... Read More

Respiration rate

Respiration Rate Definition Respiration rate is a vital life process that expresses the breathing rate in an organism... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More


Leukocytes, also called the white blood cells (WBCs), inhabiting our immune system are the cells that exhibit astonishing... Read More

Feedback mechanism

Feedback Mechanism Definition What is a feedback mechanism? A feedback mechanism is a physiological regulation system in a... Read More


Hydrophilic Definition What does a hydrophile (or hydrophilic molecule) mean? If a molecule is “water-loving”, it is... Read More


Fecundity Definition The meaning of fecundity is the reproductive rate (fecundity rate) or the performance of an individual... Read More


Bifurcation split into two parts. a change in the stability or in the types of solutions which occurs as a parameter is... Read More

Generation of resting membrane potential

Stephen H. WrightDepartment of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85724... Read More


Monocytes Definition Monocytes are a subset of white blood cells (WBCs) or leukocytes that originate in the bone marrow.... Read More

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential Definition An inhibitory postsynaptic potential is a type of synaptic potential. It is... Read More

Density dependent factor

Density-dependent factors are the limiting factors of an ecosystem that regulate population growth in a density-dependent... Read More

Null hypothesis

Null Hypothesis Definition Null hypothesis is defined as “the commonly accepted fact (such as the sky is blue) and... Read More

Dissolved oxygen

Definition noun The amount of free oxygen dissolved in water, expressed in mg/L, parts per million (ppm), or in percent of... Read More

Incubation period

Incubation Period Definition The incubation period is the time duration between exposure to the pathogen and the appearance... Read More


Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process carried out by photo-auto-lithotrophs by converting light energy into chemical... Read More

Deterministic model

Definition noun A mathematical representation in which every variable alters according to a mathematical formula, and not to... Read More


Definition noun (general) The state, act, or process of lengthening Supplement In general, the term elongation refers to the... Read More


Vmax Definition Vmax is the maximal reaction rate or velocity of an enzymatically catalyzed reaction when the enzyme is... Read More

Effects of Gravity on Sleep

Gravity is a natural phenomenon that affects all things particularly all living creatures from cell to human being. It has... Read More