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Search Results for: phototroph


Definition noun, plural: phototrophs An organism, typically a plant, obtaining energy from sunlight as its source of energy... Read More


Definition noun, plural: photoheterotrophs An organism that depends on light for most of its energy and principally on... Read More


Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process carried out by photo-auto-lithotrophs by converting light energy into chemical... Read More


Heterotroph Definition What is a heterotroph? Does a heterotroph make its own food? In biology and ecology, a heterotroph... Read More


Definition noun, plural: photoautotrophs An organism, typically a plant, obtaining energy from sunlight as its source of... Read More


Protist Definition What is a protist? All protists are eukaryotes, i.e. organisms with a nucleus. However, they are... Read More

Biotic factor

Biotic Factor Definition A biotic factor is the living component in an ecosystem. The term "biotic" means "of or related... Read More


Chemotroph Definition A chemotroph refers to an organism that obtains energy mainly from carbon dioxide and from... Read More