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Search Results for: resin


resin Any one of a class of yellowish brown solid inflammable substances, of vegetable origin, which are nonconductors of... Read More

Seed Plants

There are two main subdivisions of seed plants—the ones without covered seeds, the gymnosperms, and the ones with covered... Read More

Prop root anatomy of Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott (Araceae)

Prop root anatomy of Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott (Araceae)VIANNA, Wânia de Oliveira, SOARES, Marli Kasue Misaki... Read More


Mastich --> mastic 1. (Science: botany) a low shrubby tree of the genus pistacia (P. Lentiscus), growing upon the islands... Read More


Gum The dense tissues which invest the teeth, and cover the adjacent parts of the jaws. (Science: medicine) gum rash,... Read More


What is an exudate? The inflammation or injury in a tissue result in increased permeability of the blood vessels that... Read More


Balsam 1. A resin containing more or less of an essential or volatile oil. The balsams are aromatic resinous substances,... Read More


soap A substance which dissolves in water, thus forming a lather, and is used as a cleansing agent. Soap is produced by... Read More


Definition noun, plural: corks (botany) A part of the periderm that protects the inner plant tissues from mechanical... Read More


Lining a coating applied to the pulpal wall(s) of a restorative dental preparation to protect the pulp from thermal or... Read More


Fir (Science: botany) a genus (Abies) of coniferous trees, often of large size and elegant shape, some of them valued for... Read More


“The biological diversity is plenty if you look around yourself a little closely; with an eye for life!” … People... Read More


Filtration Definition What is filtration? Filtration is separating a solid from a fluid through a porous material that... Read More


Definition noun, plural: metabolites A substance that is a product of metabolic action or that is involved in a metabolic... Read More

Secondary succession

We all have come across news where forest lands got destroyed by wildfires. Or sometimes we have read about an entire... Read More


Definition noun (1) A positively charged resin used in ion-exchange chromatography for protein purification and... Read More

Plant Tissues

Plants are composed of three major organ groups: roots, stems, and leaves. As we know from other areas of biology, these... Read More


External Form of a Woody Twig A woody twig, or stem, is an axis with leaves attached. The leaves are arranged in various... Read More