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Search Results for: sporophyte


Sporophyte Definition What is a sporophyte? Accordingly, the sporophyte is the plant generation that produces spores. To... Read More

Sporophyte generation

Definition noun (botany) A phase in the life cycle of certain plants and algae that starts with the union of gametes up to... Read More


Bryophytes (nonvascular plants) do not have xylem or phloem. The habitations of this plant group are widely varied and... Read More

Vascular plants

Definition of Vascular plants The term 'vascular' is derived from the Latin word vāsculum, vās, meaning "a container and... Read More


Plant Definition A plant refers to any of the eukaryotic organisms of the biological kingdom Plantae, characterized by... Read More


Definition noun, plural: microspores (botany) The smaller spore produced by sporophytes and develop into male... Read More

Plant cell

Plant Cell Definition A plant cell refers to any cell of a plant. It is the structural and functional unit of plants. Plant... Read More

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction involving the fusion of haploid female gamete (egg cell) and haploid male... Read More


Apomixis Definition Just like any other organism, the process of reproduction is pivotal to the life cycle of plants. There... Read More

Meiosis and Alternation of Generations

Review of Mitosis: Cell Cycle The cell cycle contains the process in which cells are either dividing or in between... Read More

Red algae

Red Algae Definition The red algae belong to the phylum Rhodophyta, which literally was derived from the Greek word... Read More

Gametophyte generation

Definition noun (botany) A phase in the life cycle of certain plants and algae that starts with a spore up to the time that... Read More

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Definition What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not... Read More


In biology, haploid pertains to a condition, a cell, or an organism that has half of the usual complete set of chromosomes... Read More


Chlorophyta Definition Chlorophyta is a taxonomic group (a phylum) comprised of green algae that live in marine habitats.... Read More


Angiosperms Definition What is an angiosperm? An angiosperm is a plant that produces flowers. The angiosperms, also... Read More


Definition noun, plural: seedlings (botany) A young sporophyte that grows from a seed; a (recent) sprout Supplement A... Read More

Vascular Plants: Ferns and Relatives

These plants are seedless plants, but unlike the bryophytes, they do have vascular tissue (xylem and phloem). Because of the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: kelps A brown seaweed of the order Laminariales Supplement The kelp is a brown seaweed... Read More

Plant Biology

Plantlife can be studied at a variety of levels, from the molecular, genetic and biochemical level through organelles,... Read More

Intercalary meristem

The basic structural framework of plants is composed of different types of tissues. Based upon the capacity to divide, the... Read More


The swaying and winding of kelp in the ocean currents has an entrancing, hypnotic quality that would be the envy of the... Read More

Brown algae

Brown Algae Definition Brown algae are algal species characterized by being multicellular and having a brown or... Read More


Definition noun (1) An asexual form of reproduction by means of spores. (2) The formation of spores during a biological... Read More

Green algae

Green Algae Definition Green algae (singular: green alga) are photosynthetic algae that are characterized by having... Read More


Definition noun, plural: stomata (botany) A tiny pore in a plant leaf surrounded by a pair of guard cells that regulate its... Read More


Definition noun, plural: spores A dormant, reproductive cell formed by certain organisms. It is thick-walled and highly... Read More


Morphology Definition Morphology means the study of the shape and structure of living things from a biological perspective.... Read More

Life cycle

Definition noun The whole life history of an organism, usually depicted through a series of developmental stages (e.g. from... Read More


An organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and... Read More


What is Meiosis? A simple definition of meiosis would be is this: meiosis is the process of cell division that results in... Read More

Seed Plants

There are two main subdivisions of seed plants—the ones without covered seeds, the gymnosperms, and the ones with covered... Read More


Diploid Definition Let's first understand the meaning of the word - diploid. From the words ‘di’, meaning "two", and... Read More