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Search Results for: tolerance

Shelfords Law of Tolerance

Definition noun It is a law stating that a certain organism’s survival and existence depend upon the multifaceted set of... Read More


tolerance 1. The ability to endure unusually large doses of a drug or toxin. 2. Acquired drug tolerance, a decreasing... Read More

Limiting factor

Limiting Factor Definition A limiting factor refers to any of the factors (variables) in an environment capable of limiting... Read More

Consciousness and Behavior

States of Consciousness Defined either by (1) behavior - ranging from attentive and alert to coma and (2) electrical... Read More

Immune response

Immune Response Definition An immune response is defined as the reaction of the body in response to the presence of a... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More


“The biological diversity is plenty if you look around yourself a little closely; with an eye for life!” … People... Read More


Hypersensitivity Definition Hypersensitivity is the exaggerated immune response to protect the human from foreign bodies... Read More


Several words of the English language find wide usage in subjects as diverse as literature, science, social science,... Read More


Symbiosis Definition What is symbiosis? Symbiosis can be defined as any kind of relationship or interaction between two... Read More

Plant Water Regulation

A plant requires water as an essential ingredient of photolysis, the photochemical stage of photosynthesis where water is... Read More

Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies

Perspective Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies Cynthia M. Arbeeny Address... Read More

Allopatric speciation

We can define speciation as a process by which the novel genetically independent group of organisms are formed through the... Read More

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential Definition An inhibitory postsynaptic potential is a type of synaptic potential. It is... Read More


Definition noun A foreign antigen that suppresses immune response, or produces immune tolerance. Supplement In comparison... Read More

Rebound phenomenon

Definition noun (1) A temporary deviation from a normal state in the opposite direction following an abrupt removal or... Read More


Conjugation generally means the joining or coming together (union), such as in certain unicellular organisms (some bacteria,... Read More

Pioneer species

You might have come across news of some barren lands turning into luscious grasslands or forests after decades? Or you might... Read More


Definition noun, plural: microaerophiles An organism that lives in environment that only has a low level of... Read More

Facultative anaerobe

Facultative Anaerobe Definition What does facultative anaerobe mean? Facultative organisms are the most adaptable... Read More


Definition noun, plural: halophiles An organism that thrives in an environment of high salinity Supplement A halophile... Read More

Chromosomal mutation

Every living thing is made up of DNA. Our DNA is what makes us unique and different in the world. Our DNA is made up of... Read More

Intercalary meristem

The basic structural framework of plants is composed of different types of tissues. Based upon the capacity to divide, the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: autoimmunities A type of immunity wherein the immune response is directed against own body,... Read More


Definition noun plural: trehaloses tre·ha·lose, loʊs A disaccharide made up of two α-glucose molecules, and serves as... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: neutrophiles (1) A neutrophilic organism that lives and thrives in an environment with a... Read More

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) is part of or a region in the endoplasmic... Read More


Cilia Definition Cilia are hair-like structures found on the surface of many types of cells, including some mammalian... Read More


Herbivore Definition A herbivore is the primary consumer of the food chain that usually occupies the second trophic level... Read More

Bolus injection

A bolus injection is the act of administering a dose of medication or substance directly into the bloodstream by injection.... Read More

Reservoir host

Reservoir Host Definition A reservoir host is a host that harbors the pathogen and serves as a source of the infective... Read More


Sporophyte Definition What is a sporophyte? Accordingly, the sporophyte is the plant generation that produces spores. To... Read More


As largely known are the subset of biological processes that are directly correlated to the ‘usage of molecular oxygen’,... Read More

Anaerobic bacteria

Bacteria are classified according to the need for oxygen to survive and grow.   For example, aerobic bacteria are bacteria... Read More


Resistance, vulnerability, sensitivity, tolerance, and susceptibility are some highly important terminologies across the... Read More


Virulence Definition In biology, virulence is defined as the degree to which a pathogenic organism can cause disease. A... Read More


remedy 1. That which relieves or cures a disease; any medicine or application which puts an end to disease and restores... Read More


Definition noun, plural: individuals (1) Any distinct person, object, or concept within a collection. (2) A single, separate... Read More


When we learned about the basic genetics of biological life, we came to know that almost all the cells of an individual have... Read More