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Search Results for: transportation


transportation The means of moving persons, animals, goods, or materials from one place to... Read More


Xylem Definition Xylem is defined as a plant tissue that transfers water and nutrients from roots to all over the plant... Read More


Endocytosis Definition What is endocytosis in biology? Endocytosis is a cellular process by which a cell internalizes any... Read More


An oxidizer is a substance that facilitates oxidation in a chemical reaction by accepting electrons from another substance.... Read More


“The biological diversity is plenty if you look around yourself a little closely; with an eye for life!” … People... Read More


Commensalism Definition What is commensalism? Literally, commensalism is a Latin word that means ‘to eat at the same... Read More


Parenchyma Definition What does parenchyma mean? Let's define the word "parenchyma". Most of the functional tissues in... Read More


The breakdown or catabolism of red blood cells or erythrocytes that result in the expulsion of hemoglobin and other... Read More

Vascular plants

Definition of Vascular plants The term 'vascular' is derived from the Latin word vāsculum, vās, meaning "a container and... Read More


Adhesion Definition Adhesion is the binding or attraction between dissimilar molecules, atoms, surfaces, or substances. The... Read More

Body fluid

Body Fluids Definition What is body fluid? Literally, body fluid is the fluid of the body. The adult human body is ~50-60%... Read More

Apocrine gland

The human body is a complex assemblage of many different organs, systems, glands, bones, and tissues. Weighing any one over... Read More


Phosphorylation Definition We can define phosphorylation as a biochemical process in which a phosphate molecule is added to... Read More

Nonsense mutation

A nonsense mutation is the type of point mutation that renders the translation process useless by coding for a stop/nonsense... Read More

Mutualistic symbiosis

Mutualistic Symbiosis Definition In order to understand what a mutualistic symbiotic relationship means, we will break down... Read More


Definition of Lacuna What is lacuna? The word "lacuna" (noun, plural: lacunae) is derived from the Latin word- 'lacus',... Read More


Erythrocyte Definition Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs) are the myeloid series of specialized cells that play an... Read More

Water in Plants

The movement of molecules, specifically water and any solutes, is vital to understand in light of plant processes. This will... Read More


Mutagen Definition What is a mutagen? A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes DNA impairment that results in the... Read More


Symbiosis Definition What is symbiosis? Symbiosis can be defined as any kind of relationship or interaction between two... Read More

Movement of Molecules Across Cell Membranes

Diffusion Diffusion is essentially the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower... Read More

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) is part of or a region in the endoplasmic... Read More

Cellular respiration

Cellular Respiration Definition What is cellular respiration in simple terms? Cellular respiration can be defined simply as... Read More


A system pertains to interdependent or interrelated objects comprising and functioning as a whole. In biology, it may refer... Read More


Organisms depend on different sources of food to survive. Larger organisms like plants make their own food (autotrophs) and... Read More


Environment Definition What does environment mean? If you mean physical environment, then it is defined as the surrounding... Read More


Organization Definition The meaning of the term "organization" is very simple. It means the state wherein things are... Read More


Tissue Definition What is tissue in the body? The body tissue is an aggregation of cells that function together and have a... Read More


Have you ever wondered how the fats from butter, cheesy burgers, and pizzas get digested in your body? Or have you heard of... Read More


Differentiation in biology is the process where less specialized cells undergo changes to develop specialized structures and... Read More


Absorption can be defined as the process of assimilating substances across the intestinal epithelial cells or the tissues... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More

Energy coupling

What is Energy Coupling? Work, whether it be physical or biological, requires energy to be expended. In biological... Read More

Golgi apparatus

Golgi Apparatus Definition The Golgi apparatus is a membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells. It plays a crucial role... Read More


Cytoplasm Definition The cell is known as the building block of all life. Blocks are made up of numerous particles and... Read More

Solvent drag

Definition noun, plural: solvent drags The transportation of ultrafiltrate back from the renal tubule through the flow of... Read More

Group translocation

Group Translocation Definition Just like your “home” is a private place where you and your comfort are maintained due... Read More


Vector Definition When one thinks of vectors one may think of many different things. This is because a vector can be... Read More


Metabolism Definition What is metabolism in the body? Metabolism encompasses the various biochemical processes, reactions,... Read More


Characteristics Definition We can define characteristics as qualities or features that describe the distinctive nature or... Read More