41 results found

Search Results for: wheat


wheat (Science: botany) A cereal grass (triticum vulgare) and its grain, which furnishes a white flour for bread, and, next... Read More

Polygenic inheritance

Polygenic inheritance refers to the kind of inheritance in which the trait is produced from the cumulative effects of many... Read More

C4 plant

Carbon fixation is a process of taking carbon dioxide in order to synthesize sugar, such as glucose. Thus, carbon dioxide is... Read More

Growth and Plant Hormones

Growth All living organisms begin in the same form: as a single cell. That cell will divide and the resulting cells will... Read More


Definition noun plural: abiogeneses a·bi·o·gen·e·sis, eɪbaɪəʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs (1) The idea that primitive life... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) A type of euploidy wherein the additional set of chromosomes is derived from another species,... Read More


Plant Definition A plant refers to any of the eukaryotic organisms of the biological kingdom Plantae, characterized by... Read More

Vascular plants

Definition of Vascular plants The term 'vascular' is derived from the Latin word vāsculum, vās, meaning "a container and... Read More


Several words of the English language find wide usage in subjects as diverse as literature, science, social science,... Read More


Fructose Definition Fructose is a ketohexose monosaccharide with a chemical formula of C6H12O6. It is the sweetest of all... Read More


Allotetraploid Definition An allotetraploid is an organism with four sets of chromosomes (4n). This is in contrast to the... Read More


Angiosperms Definition What is an angiosperm? An angiosperm is a plant that produces flowers. The angiosperms, also... Read More

Vertical gene transfer

Definition noun (genetics) The transfer of genes from parents to offspring Supplement Gene transfer refers to the movement... Read More


Lectin (Science: plant biology) proteins obtained particularly from the seeds of leguminous plants, but also from many other... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) The state of being polyploid, that is more than two sets of the chromosomes in a... Read More

Simple fruit

Definition noun, plural: simple fruits A type of fruit that develops from a single or compound ovary with only one pistil... Read More

Iodine test

Iodine Test Definition The iodine test is a chemical reaction-based identification test for starch. In this test, iodine... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) The chromosomal variation in the normal complete set of chromosomes in a cell or an organism... Read More


Definition noun plural: fructooligosaccharides fruc·to·ol·i·go·sac·cha·ride, ɪhɡəʊˈsækəɹaɪd An... Read More

Fruits, Flowers, and Seeds

Flowering plants grow in a wide variety of habitats and environments. They can go from germination of a seed to a mature... Read More


Plants require growth hormones for their regulated growth. Plant growth hormones or regulators (PGRs) are small organic... Read More

Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages

 Through genetic engineering, scientists are able to move desirable genes from one plant or animal to another or... Read More

Binomial nomenclature

Binomial Nomenclature Definition Binomial nomenclature is a binomial system of naming a species. A binomial name is... Read More


Definition noun plural: purines pu•rine, ˈpjʊəɹiːn A heterocyclic aromatic compound with a chemical structure... Read More


rust A type of club fungus that is a parasite on plants. The most common rust is Pucciniagraminis (black stem rust in... Read More


reserve 1. (Science: geology) Typically used to describe the amount of a substance which can be extracted from the earth... Read More


Margin 1. A border; edge; brink; verge; as, the margin of a river or lake. 2. Specifically: The part of a page at the edge... Read More


scalp 1. That part of the integument of the head which is usually covered with hair. By the bare scalp of robin Hodd's fat... Read More


Chromosomes Definition Chromosomes are thread-like structures present in the nucleus of plant and animal cells. Chromosomes... Read More


rice (Science: botany) A well-known cereal grass (oryza sativa) and its seed. This plant is extensively cultivated in warm... Read More


Starch Definition Starch is a polysaccharide (C6H10O5)n consisting of a large number of glucose monomers joined together... Read More


serine (Science: amino acid) Is synthesised by the body from the amino acids glycine or threonine. Its production requires... Read More


What are Pathogens? Pathogens are defined as microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that... Read More


tare 1. A weed that grows among wheat and other grain; alleged by modern naturalists to be the lolium temulentum, or darnel.... Read More


Definition noun plural: roughages rough·age, ɹʌf'ɪdʒ (1) A dietary fiber (2) Hay or any other coarse feed, such as... Read More


Assimilation Definition What is assimilation? Assimilation in biology is defined as the process in which living organisms... Read More


Hypersensitivity Definition Hypersensitivity is the exaggerated immune response to protect the human from foreign bodies... Read More


Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process carried out by photo-auto-lithotrophs by converting light energy into chemical... Read More

Carbon fixation

Carbon Fixation Definition We know that the earth contains many elements. The periodic table shows us just how many... Read More

Sympatric speciation

Speciation is a process of evolution through which two different existing populations evolve and a distinct species form. It... Read More