46 results found

Search Results for: activation energy

Activation energy

Definition noun The amount of energy (in joules) needed to convert all the molecules in one mole of a reacting substance... Read More

Protein Activity and Cellular Metabolism

Protein Binding Sites The ability of various molecules and ions to bind to specific sites on the protein surface forms the... Read More

Cellular respiration

Cellular Respiration Definition What is cellular respiration in simple terms? Cellular respiration can be defined simply as... Read More

Krebs cycle

Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is a fundamental metabolic pathway that... Read More


In the enchanting tapestry of life, the smallest of heroes and a celestial protagonist emerges—'the atom'. With grace and... Read More

Kinetic molecular theory

Kinetic molecular theory (Science: chemistry) this theory assumes that molecules must collide in order to react. The more... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More


An enzyme is a biomolecule that can be synthesized biologically (naturally occurring) or through other processes... Read More


Mitochondrion Definition What are mitochondria? The term “mitochondrion” comes from the two words of the Greek... Read More


Lipogenesis Definition Lipogenesis is the process of producing lipid or fat to store biochemical energy for later metabolic... Read More


Phagocytosis Definition Phagocytosis is a basic physiological cellular process wherein a cell ingests a solid particle... Read More

Adenosine triphosphate

Adenosine Triphosphate Definition noun plural: adenosine triphosphates (biochemistry) An organic compound that is... Read More

Adipose tissue

Adipose Tissue Definition Adipose tissue, a specialized variety of connective tissue, is composed of lipid-rich cells known... Read More


Phosphorylation Definition We can define phosphorylation as a biochemical process in which a phosphate molecule is added to... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More

Lock-and-key model

Lock-and-key model Definition Lock-and-key model is a model for enzyme-substrate interaction suggesting that the enzyme and... Read More


Substrate Definition What is a "substrate"? The underlying substances or layers are termed as substrate. The definitions of... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More

Adenosine diphosphate

Definition noun plural: adenosine diphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide made up of adenine, ribose, and two phosphate... Read More

Homeostatic Mechanisms and Cellular Communication

Homeostasis is the relatively stable conditions of the internal environment that result from compensatory regulatory... Read More


Nucleosome Definition Every organism is made of deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA. DNA is made up of numerous... Read More


Hypotonic Definition Hypotonic is a term used to describe an entity being in the state of hypotonicity. Hypotonicity refers... Read More


Hypertonic Definition Hypertonic is a term used to describe an entity being in the state of hypertonicity, where there is a... Read More

Adenine nucleotide

Definition noun plural: adenine nucleotides A nucleotide wherein the nucleobase is adenine Details Overview A nucleotide... Read More

Water in Plants

The movement of molecules, specifically water and any solutes, is vital to understand in light of plant processes. This will... Read More

Sensory Systems

A sensory system is a part of the nervous system consisting of sensory receptors that receive stimuli from the internal and... Read More


Enzymes are biological catalysts that can increase the rate of chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes can only... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More

Phosphodiester bond

Phosphodiester Bond Definition Phosphodiester bonds are the backbone of the strands of nucleic acid present in the life... Read More

Recombination DNA repair

Recombination DNA Repair Definition Recombination DNA repair is a biological reparative process in response to DNA damage... Read More


Spermatogenesis Definition Spermatogenesis is the biological process of producing sperm cells. It occurs in the male gonad... Read More

Generation of resting membrane potential

Stephen H. WrightDepartment of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85724... Read More


Muscle cells are specialized to generate force and movement. There are three types of muscle tissue: (1) skeletal muscle,... Read More

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Definition What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not... Read More


Mutagen Definition What is a mutagen? A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes DNA impairment that results in the... Read More

Brown adipose tissue

Definition noun, plural: brown adipose tissues A type of adipose tissue found in mammals that is brownish as opposed to... Read More

Prodromal period

There are five stages (or phases) of a disease. (Hattis, 2020). These stages are (1) Incubation period, (2) Prodromal... Read More

Secondary succession

We all have come across news where forest lands got destroyed by wildfires. Or sometimes we have read about an entire... Read More

Bone matrix

Bone Matrix Definition Bone matrix refers to the matrix component of bone tissue. It provides the structural framework and... Read More