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Search Results for: cytokinesis


The cell cycle of eukaryotes is a cyclical series of biological events that certain asexual cells go through. The cell cycle... Read More


Telophase is the stage of cell division characterized by the decondensation of chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope... Read More

Binary fission

Binary Fission Definition What is binary fission? In biology, binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction where a... Read More


Mitosis Definition What is mitosis? In biology, mitosis refers to the cellular process where a single cell divides... Read More


Cytoplasm Definition The cell is known as the building block of all life. Blocks are made up of numerous particles and... Read More

Cell cycle

Definition noun (cell biology) The sequence of growth and division of a cell, and consists of a series of biological... Read More


Prophase is the first stage of mitosis; the very first step in this crucial process of the M-phase of the cell cycle. Now as... Read More

Cell division

Cell division is a biological process by which a parent cell duplicates its cell contents and divides to give rise to two or... Read More


Definition noun Interphase II, i.e. a short resting period occurring between meiosis I and meiosis II Supplement Meiosis is... Read More

Telophase I

Definition noun The stage in the first meiotic division after anaphase I, and identified by the complete movement and... Read More


Centrosome Definition What is a centrosome? The centrosome is considered to be the main microtubule-organizing... Read More


What is Meiosis? A simple definition of meiosis would be is this: meiosis is the process of cell division that results in... Read More


Definition noun plural: microfilaments mi·cro·fil·a·ments, mī'krō-fil'ă-mĕnts A thin, helical, single-stranded... Read More


Definition noun plural: cytoskeletons cy·to·skel·e·ton (cell biology) The lattice or internal framework of a cell... Read More

Telophase II

Definition noun The stage in meiosis II after anaphase II, and identified by the complete movement and separation of the... Read More

Genetic Information and Protein Synthesis

Genetic Code Genes are sequences of DNA nucleotides that carry and transmit the information specifying amino acid sequences... Read More

Cell plate

Definition noun A disc like structure in the plane of the equator of the spindle that separates the two sets of chromosomes... Read More

Mitotic phase

Definition noun The phase in the life cycle of a cell highlighted by chromosomal separation resulting into two identical... Read More

Plasma membrane

Do all cells have a plasma (or cell) membrane? Yes, all cells have a biological membrane that separates the protoplasm from... Read More

Gap 1 phase

Definition noun (cell biology) The first period in the interphase wherein the cell primarily grows in cell... Read More

Gap 2 phase

Definition noun (cell biology) A sub-phase in the interphase of the cell cycle wherein the cell continues to grow and then... Read More

Intermediate filament

Definition noun plural: intermediate filaments A type of cytoskeleton characterized by having a diameter ranging from 8... Read More

Synthesis phase

Definition noun (cell biology) A sub-phase in the interphase wherein the cell primarily duplicates its DNA via... Read More

Gap 0 phase

Definition noun The phase in the cell cycle wherein the cell is in inactive or non-cycling state following cell... Read More

Red algae

Red Algae Definition The red algae belong to the phylum Rhodophyta, which literally was derived from the Greek word... Read More


Definition noun, plural: thrombopoietins A glycoprotein hormone produced by liver and kidney associated with the production... Read More


Definition noun, plural: megakaryocytes A large cell in the bone marrow with characteristic lobulate nucleus and is... Read More

Gap 2-M DNA damage checkpoint

Definition noun (cell biology) A control mechanism in G2 phase of the cell cycle that ensures the cell is ready for cell... Read More


Spermiogenesis Definition Spermiogenesis is the stage of spermatogenesis wherein the spermatids differentiate into mature... Read More

Superficial cleavage

Definition noun (embryology) A meroblastic cleavage wherein mitosis occurs without cytokinesis, resulting in many nuclei,... Read More

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Definition What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not... Read More


Definition noun (botany) The normal shedding of a senescent plant part or organ (e.g. old leaf or ripe fruit) (zoology) The... Read More


Definition noun, plural: karyokineses The actual division of the cell nucleus into two daughter nuclei during... Read More


Interphase is the critical period in the eukaryotic cell cycle characterized by a sequence of events like the G1 phase where... Read More

Multipolar mitosis

Multipolar mitosis Abberant mitotic figures, where the chromosomal material is pulled to more than two poles. Multipolarity... Read More

Intermediate filaments

Definition noun plural: intermediate filaments A type of cytoskeleton characterized by having a diameter ranging from 8... Read More

Sister chromatids

Sister Chromatids Definition Sister chromatids are defined as the two identical copies of a single replicated chromosome... Read More

Meiotic spindle

Meiotic Spindle Definition The meiotic spindle refers to the spindle apparatus that forms during meiosis in contrast to... Read More


Microtubule Definition noun plural: microtubules mi·cro·tu·bule, mī'krō-tū'byūlA cytoplasmic tubule made up of... Read More


Plants require growth hormones for their regulated growth. Plant growth hormones or regulators (PGRs) are small organic... Read More