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Search Results for: flight


Flight 1. The act or flying; a passing through the air by the help of wings; volitation; mode or style of flying. Like the... Read More

Fight or flight reaction

Definition noun The response or reaction of an animal to a situation perceived as a threat to its survival, which involves... Read More

Analogous structures

Analogous Structures Definition In evolutionary biology, analogous structures are biological structures having similar or... Read More

Loose associations

Definition of Loose Associations When asked to define loose associations in psychology one can tell that it is a formal... Read More


In evolutionary biology, the meaning of analogous is “having similarities in functions but different evolutionary... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More


Definition noun plural: trehaloses tre·ha·lose, loʊs A disaccharide made up of two α-glucose molecules, and serves as... Read More

Sugar Homeostasis

Blood Sugar Regulation As described in Cell Biology tutorials, the body requires volumes of glucose in order to create ATP.... Read More


Pair 1. To be joined in paris; to couple; to mate, as for breeding. 2. To suit; to fit, as a counterpart. My heart was made... Read More

Nervous tissue

Nervous Tissue Definition Nerve cells (or neurons) and their associated cells, such as neuroglia cells, make up nervous... Read More


What is Diaphoresis? Diaphoresis is referred to excessive or profuse perspiration or sweating which may be due to... Read More


Morphology Definition Morphology means the study of the shape and structure of living things from a biological perspective.... Read More


In biology, homology refers to similarities caused by shared ancestry between two structures or genes from distinct species.... Read More

Hormone Production

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands in the endocrine system.... Read More

Sexual selection

What is Sexual Selection? The definition of sexual selection is very interesting in biological terms. The sexual selection... Read More

Hypothalamic theory

Definition noun A theory on emotion formulated by Walter Cannon in 1929 which states that the diencephalon, consisting of... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: (1) (evolution) The acquisition of a similar form or structure between species of different... Read More


Apomorphy Definition Apomorphy (biology definition): A derived trait or characteristic that identifies a species or a... Read More


Definition noun Similar biological trait acquired by species from different (unrelated) lineages Supplement There are... Read More

Scared to Death

Scared to Death: Self-Willed Death, or the Bone-Pointing Syndrome  by Patrick D Hahn  Accepted on: September 4,... Read More


Definition adjective Taxonomic groups that have similar character states that descends from one or more ancestral... Read More

Bone matrix

Bone Matrix Definition Bone matrix refers to the matrix component of bone tissue. It provides the structural framework and... Read More


Definition noun The metabolic process of breaking down stored glycogen in liver into glucose subunits (i.e.... Read More


Any member of the Synapsida clade of animals is referred to as a synapsid. They are believed to have descended from the... Read More

Neural Control Mechanisms

Nerve cells called neurons generate electric signals that pass from one end of the cell to another and release chemical... Read More

Lotic Communities & Animals

A running water environment offers numerous microhabitats that simulate favorable conditions for many types of animals to... Read More

Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages

 Through genetic engineering, scientists are able to move desirable genes from one plant or animal to another or... Read More

Effects of Gravity on Sleep

Gravity is a natural phenomenon that affects all things particularly all living creatures from cell to human being. It has... Read More


Definition noun, plural: beta-blockers A drug that blocks the action of endogenous catecholamines on beta-adrenergic... Read More

Convergent evolution

Convergent evolution definition What is convergent evolution? Convergent evolution is a concept in evolutionary biology... Read More


A catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve... Read More


Sarcolemma Definition What is the sarcolemma? It is the thin, transparent, extensible plasma membrane of the muscle cell.... Read More


Adaptation Definition In biology and ecology, adaptation refers to the process of adjusting behavior, physiology, or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: swallows (physiology) The act of swallowing (ornithology) Any of the passerine bird species of the... Read More


Fowl Instead of the pl. Fowls the singular is often used collectively. OE. Foul, fowel, foghel, fuhel, fugel, as. Fugol;... Read More


Aves Definition What are birds classified as? Birds constitute the class Aves of the kingdom Animalia. How to define Aves?... Read More


We can detect hot or cold environments using our sense of temperature. When the temperature is too hot, sweating... Read More


Vestigial (organ) is a degenerate organ or structure or physical attribute that has little to no function in the species but... Read More