12 results found

Search Results for: greenhouse gas

Greenhouse gas

Definition noun Any of the atmospheric gases responsible for the greenhouse effect. Supplement Examples of greenhouse gases... Read More

Carbon dioxide

Carbon Dioxide Definition noun, car·bon di·ox·ide, /daɪˈɒksaɪd/ (biochemistry) An inorganic compound, with the... Read More


Carbon is one of the chemical elements found in nature. A chemical element refers to the pure substance of one type of atom.... Read More

Global warming

Definition' noun The recent increase in the Earth's average atmospheric temperature due to an increase in the levels of... Read More

Great Oxygenation Event

Great Oxygenation Event Definition The Great Oxygenation Event is defined as the surge of dioxygen (O2) levels in the... Read More

Biotic factor

Biotic Factor Definition A biotic factor is the living component in an ecosystem. The term "biotic" means "of or related... Read More

Light-independent reaction

The process of photosynthesis is a biological procedure in which plants produce oxygen and energy (sugar) by using light... Read More

Cork cambium

Cork Cambium Definition Cork cambium is a secondary meristematic tissue that has a pivotal role in secondary growth in... Read More


A system pertains to interdependent or interrelated objects comprising and functioning as a whole. In biology, it may refer... Read More

Calvin cycle

Calvin Cycle Definition The Calvin cycle, also known as the Calvin Benson cycle or the dark reactions, is a series of... Read More


Non-Sustainability Definition Non-sustainability is the state in which human consumption or activities exceed the ability... Read More


Environment Definition What does environment mean? If you mean physical environment, then it is defined as the surrounding... Read More