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Search Results for: h and d curve

H and d curve

Definition noun A graph in which the density of the photographic film (vertical axis) is plotted against the logarithm of... Read More

Polygenic inheritance

Polygenic inheritance refers to the kind of inheritance in which the trait is produced from the cumulative effects of many... Read More

First-order kinetics

What is a First-Order Kinetics (First-Order Reaction)? First-order kinetics refers to a reaction wherein the overall rate... Read More

Heating curve

Definition noun A plot of temperature versus time, showing the amount of energy a substance has absorbed with increasing... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More


Plane 1. To make smooth; to level; to pare off the inequalities of the surface of, as of a board or other piece of wood, by... Read More

Growth Patterns

When measuring growth, it is more desirable to use dry mass as a reliable indication. However, since you can't just 'suck'... Read More

Species area curve

species area curve The curve on a graph produced when plotting the cumulative number of plant species found in a series of... Read More


Organization of the Respiratory System Each lung is composed of air sacs called alveoli - the sites of gas exchange with... Read More


pedal 1. (Science: marine biology, zoology) Of or pertaining to the foot, or to feet, literally or figuratively;... Read More


Definition noun, plural: chroaxies (physiology) The shortest period of time required to produce an effective electrical... Read More


Abscissa (Science: geometry) One of the elements of reference by which a point, as of a curve, is referred to a system of... Read More


Definition noun, plural: functions (biology) The special, normal, proper physiologic activity of a body part or an... Read More


Any member of the Synapsida clade of animals is referred to as a synapsid. They are believed to have descended from the... Read More

Disruptive Selection

An evolutionary process known as disruptive selection (or disruptive natural selection) causes a population to become... Read More


Flagellum Definition Flagellum is a slender, hair-like structure composed of a complex arrangement of multiple proteins,... Read More

Control of Growth & Development

Control of Growth & Development tutorials look at how the genetic makeup determines the biological processes on a day to... Read More

Skeletal system

What is the Skeletal System? How to define a skeleton? The skeletal system is the main framework that gives your body its... Read More


Definition noun The shortest period of time required to produce an effective electrical current such that the stimulus... Read More

Glans penis

Definition noun, plural: glans penises (anatomy) The conical expansion of the corpus spongiosum that forms the head of the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: photoropisms Growth or movement response of a cell or an organism to light Supplement In general,... Read More

Carrying capacity

Carrying Capacity Definition What is carrying capacity? In biology and environmental science, the carrying capacity of a... Read More

In vivo

Definition adjective, adverb (Of a biological process) made to occur within the living organism Supplement The term in vivo... Read More


Definition noun, plural: crura (anatomy) Lower leg; a bodily part likened to a leg or pair of legs (taxonomy) A subgenus of... Read More


Several words of the English language find wide usage in subjects as diverse as literature, science, social science,... Read More


revolution 1. The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: pancreases or pancreata A tongue-shaped glandular structure involved in the secretion of fluid... Read More

Stationary phase

stationary phase The plateau of the growth curve after log growth in a culture, duringwhich cellnumber remains constant. New... Read More


umbilicus 1. (Science: anatomy) The depression, or mark, in the median line of the abdomen, which indicates the point where... Read More


Foliate 1. To beat into a leaf, or thin plate. 2. To spread over with a thin coat of tin and quicksilver; as, to foliate a... Read More


Vmax Definition Vmax is the maximal reaction rate or velocity of an enzymatically catalyzed reaction when the enzyme is... Read More


Definition noun (1) The measure of the amount of a sub-component (especially solute) in a solution (2) The ratio of the mass... Read More


problem 1. A question proposed for solution; a matter stated for examination or proof; hence, a matter difficult of solution... Read More


vibration 1. The act of vibrating, or the state of being vibrated, or in vibratory motion; quick motion to and fro;... Read More


Bacteria Definition What are bacteria? What is the definition of bacteria in biology? Bacteria are defined as organisms... Read More


Loop 1. A fold or doubling of a thread, cord, rope, etc, through which another thread, cord, etc, can be passed, or which a... Read More


Generation 1. The act of generating or begetting; procreation, as of animals. 2. Origination by some process, mathematical,... Read More

coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious coronavirus disease first detected... Read More