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Search Results for: haploidy


Definition noun (genetics) The state of being haploid, that is having half of the set of homologous chromosomes in somatic... Read More


In biology, haploid pertains to a condition, a cell, or an organism that has half of the usual complete set of chromosomes... Read More

Homologous chromosome

A homologous chromosome pertains to one of a pair of chromosomes with the same gene sequence, loci, chromosomal length, and... Read More


Definition of Gamete What is a gamete? A gamete is the mature reproductive or sex cell that contains a haploid number of... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) The state of being diploid, that is having two sets of the chromosomes (and therefore two copies... Read More

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction involving the fusion of haploid female gamete (egg cell) and haploid male... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) The state of being monoploid, that is having one set of the chromosomes Supplement Ploidy refers... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) The state of being polyploid, that is more than two sets of the chromosomes in a... Read More

First time! Human blood cell turned into a young sex cell

In essence, our body consists of two major types of cells – one group involved directly in reproducing sexually (called... Read More


Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Polyploidy Polyploidy is defined as the state of being polyploid, which... Read More