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Search Results for: inherited traits

Inherited traits

What are Inherited Traits? The characteristics or traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as inherited... Read More


Traits Definition "Trait" is a rather well-known word in the English language. What does trait mean?A trait is defined... Read More

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More

Family traits

When one thinks of family, they often think of persons who are blood-related to each other as parents to their children and... Read More

Law of Segregation

Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance The father of genetics, Gregor Mendel, reported his findings in 1860 that initially were... Read More

Incomplete dominance

Incomplete Dominance Definition After Gregor Mendel discovered inheritance laws, the term ''incomplete dominance'' was... Read More

Polygenic inheritance

Polygenic inheritance refers to the kind of inheritance in which the trait is produced from the cumulative effects of many... Read More


Pleiotropy Definition When one single gene starts affecting multiple traits of living organisms, this phenomenon is known... Read More

Sex-linked trait

Definition of Sex-Linked Traits A sex-linked trait is an observable characteristic of an organism that is influenced by the... Read More


Progeny Definition Progeny means an unmodified descendant from the material, such as a cell from a cell or an organism from... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More

Independent Assortment

Independent Assortment Definition Independent assortment refers to the alleles or genes that sort into the newly formed... Read More


Phenotype refers to the observable characteristics of an organism as a multifactorial consequence of genetic traits and... Read More


Dominant Definition The word dominant or dominant trait is commonly used in biology. The general meaning of dominant is to... Read More


Characteristics Definition We can define characteristics as qualities or features that describe the distinctive nature or... Read More

Complete dominance

Complete Dominance Definition Genetics is the study of how traits are inherited by organisms and in what ways these... Read More

Phenotypic ratio

Phenotypic Ratio Definition How would one define phenotypic ratio? The correlation between the amount of offspring that... Read More


Polymorphism Definition The occurrence of two or more different forms or morphs in the population of a species is referred... Read More


Allele Definition What are alleles? An allele is a term coined to describe a specific copy of a gene. Genes, the DNA... Read More

Y chromosome

Y chromosome Definition The Y chromosome constitutes one member of the pair of sex chromosomes within an organism, a common... Read More

Homologous chromosome

A homologous chromosome pertains to one of a pair of chromosomes with the same gene sequence, loci, chromosomal length, and... Read More


Homozygous Definition Diploid organisms that have a genotype of identical alleles for a trait or phenotype at a specific... Read More

Multiple alleles

Alleles are the pairs of genes occupying a specific spot called locus on a chromosome. Typically, there are only two alleles... Read More

Maternal inheritance

Definition nounA form of inheritance wherein the traits of the offspring are maternal in origin due to the expression... Read More


Heredity Definition In biology, heredity refers to the passing of genetic factors from parents to offspring or from one... Read More


Genome Definition What is a genome? As defined in biology, a genome is a complete set of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within... Read More


Definition noun The theory suggesting that traits or characteristics of an organism are produced and inherited by direct... Read More


Genetics Definition noun (1) The study of the patterns of inheritance of specific traits, relating to genes and genetic... Read More


Definition noun, plural: synapomorphies An advance character state shared among two or more taxa inherited from the most... Read More

Mitochondrial DNA not just from moms but also from dads?

If one wants to trace down lineage, that person could turn to the cell's powerhouse, the mitochondrion. This organelle... Read More


Autosomes can be described as the non-sex chromosomes that play diverse roles in the human body like harboring genes for the... Read More


To reproduce, by definition, means to produce new offspring. The process is referred to as reproduction, which is one of the... Read More

Genetic diversity

Genetic Diversity Definition Each species is composed of individuals with their own set of genes. A gene is the inheritance... Read More

X-linked inheritance

Definition noun (genetics) Inheritance for genes on the X chromosome Supplement Sex chromosomes are not only relevant for... Read More

X linkage

Definition noun, plural: X linkages (genetics) A form of sex linkage involving particularly the X chromosome Supplement The... Read More


In evolutionary biology, the meaning of analogous is “having similarities in functions but different evolutionary... Read More


Fragmentation Definition What is fragmentation? In general, fragmentation refers to the state or the process of breaking... Read More


Codominance Definition Codominance is a form of inheritance wherein the alleles of a gene pair in a heterozygote are fully... Read More


Diploid Definition Let's first understand the meaning of the word - diploid. From the words ‘di’, meaning "two", and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: hemoglobinopathies A genetic disorder resulting in an abnormal globin structure in the hemoglobin... Read More