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Search Results for: inspiration


Inspiration (Science: physiology) The act of drawing air into the lungs. Origin: L. Inspirare, spirare = to breathe The act... Read More

Crowing inspiration

Crowing inspiration Noisy breathing associated with respiratory obstruction, usually at the larynx. Origin: L. Inspiratio,... Read More


Organization of the Respiratory System Each lung is composed of air sacs called alveoli - the sites of gas exchange with... Read More

Residual volume

Residual volume is a term that is most often seen in lung physiology where it is defined as the amount of air remaining in... Read More


Ventilation Definition Often when persons think of ventilation, they think of getting clean or enough air into a room. This... Read More


Blood Blood is composed of a liquid, plasma, and blood cells such as erythrocytes (red blood cells,) leukocytes (white... Read More


Breathing 1. Respiration; the act of inhaling and exhaling air. Subject to a difficulty of breathing. (Melmoth) 2. Air in... Read More

An introduction to Homeostasis

Researched and Written by Jonjo MinnsSubmitted to biologyonline.com on February 25, 2009.Published in biologyonline.com... Read More


vital 1. Belonging or relating to life, either animal or vegetable; as, vital energies; vital functions; vital actions. 2.... Read More


Animal Definition An animal (plural: animals) refers to any of the eukaryotic multicellular organisms of the biological... Read More


An organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and... Read More


Flagellum Definition Flagellum is a slender, hair-like structure composed of a complex arrangement of multiple proteins,... Read More

Lung capacity

Definition noun The volume of gas within the lungs at the end of maximal inspiration. Supplement Abbreviation: ... Read More