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Search Results for: muscle plasma


Muscle cells are specialized to generate force and movement. There are three types of muscle tissue: (1) skeletal muscle,... Read More

Smooth muscle

The smooth muscle can be described as a type of muscle in the human body that is non-striated and involuntary in action.... Read More


Sarcolemma Definition What is the sarcolemma? It is the thin, transparent, extensible plasma membrane of the muscle cell.... Read More

Muscle plasma

muscle plasma An alkaline fluid in muscle that is spontaneously coagulable, separating into myosin and muscle... Read More


Definition noun (1) Fluid through which cellular components of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid are suspended (2)... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More


Myoblast Definition A myoblast is a progenitor cell that when it stops dividing enters myogenesis to develop into a myocyte... Read More


Blood Blood is composed of a liquid, plasma, and blood cells such as erythrocytes (red blood cells,) leukocytes (white... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More

Kidneys and Regulation of Water and Inorganic Ions

Renal Functions Kidneys remove/add substances from/to the plasma.Regulate water concentration, inorganic ion... Read More


Tissue Definition What is tissue in the body? The body tissue is an aggregation of cells that function together and have a... Read More


Isotonic Definition What does isotonic mean? The term "isotonic" is used in physiology, anatomy, and physical chemistry.... Read More

Regulation of Organic Metabolism, Growth and Energy Balance

Organic Metabolism Events of Absorptive and Post-absorptive States. The absorptive state is the period during which... Read More

Muscle cell

Definition noun, plural: muscle cells Any of the long, tubular mature contractile cells that make up the muscle... Read More


In biology, transport refers to the act or the means by which a molecule or ion is moved across the cell membrane or via the... Read More


Serum Definition In biology, serum generally refers to the clear portion of any bodily fluid of animals and plants.... Read More


Hypotonic Definition Hypotonic is a term used to describe an entity being in the state of hypotonicity. Hypotonicity refers... Read More


Endocytosis Definition What is endocytosis in biology? Endocytosis is a cellular process by which a cell internalizes any... Read More


The cell cycle of eukaryotes is a cyclical series of biological events that certain asexual cells go through. The cell cycle... Read More

Facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across a biological membrane from an area of higher concentration to an... Read More

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) is part of or a region in the endoplasmic... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More

Cell Structure

The interior of human cells is divided into the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleus is a spherical or oval-shaped... Read More


Pinocytosis Definition What is pinocytosis?  Pinocytosis is the ingestion of extracellular fluids, i.e. the fluid... Read More

Axon terminal

An axon terminal is any of the button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve... Read More

Resting potential

Resting Potential Definition The resting potential of a cell is defined as the difference in electrical potential across... Read More


Flaccid Definition Biology – What is Flaccid? In botany, the term flaccid refers to a cell that lacks turgidity, i.e. it... Read More

Axon hillock

Axon Hillock Definition What is axon hillock? If you are familiar with the different parts of the neuron, the axon hillock... Read More

Neural Control Mechanisms

Nerve cells called neurons generate electric signals that pass from one end of the cell to another and release chemical... Read More


Depolarization is the removal of polarity by a process or action. It might also be used to describe how such activity leads... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More

Biological Cell Introduction

It only takes one biological cell to create an organism. In fact, there are countless species of single-celled organisms,... Read More

Endomembrane system

Ever wondered how biomolecules are made within the cell and then they are released outside the cell for use by the body?... Read More


Organization of the Respiratory System Each lung is composed of air sacs called alveoli - the sites of gas exchange with... Read More


Differentiation in biology is the process where less specialized cells undergo changes to develop specialized structures and... Read More

Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells

Plant Cells Most cells are not visible with the naked eye. However, with microscopes of various types, plant cells can be... Read More

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER or rER) is a membrane-bound organelle... Read More


What is a phospholipid? Phospholipids are a subgroup of lipids. Other major types of lipids are fatty acids, sphingolipids,... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More

Animal cell

An animal cell is the fundamental functional unit of life of animals. It is also the basic unit of reproduction. Animal... Read More