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Search Results for: root


Upon seed germination, the embryo root, called the radicle, grows and develops into the first root. The radicle may thicken... Read More

Adventitious root

Definition noun, plural: advemtitious roots A root growing on the stem, leaf, or other body parts apart from the usual the... Read More

Aerial root

Definition noun, plural: aerial roots A type of root that grows from the stem above the ground Supplement Aerial root is a... Read More

Root cap

root cap (Science: botany) A mass of parenchymtous cells which covers and protects the growing cells at the end of a root; a... Read More

Prop root anatomy of Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott (Araceae)

Prop root anatomy of Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott (Araceae)VIANNA, Wânia de Oliveira, SOARES, Marli Kasue Misaki... Read More


Angiosperms Definition What is an angiosperm? An angiosperm is a plant that produces flowers. The angiosperms, also... Read More

Dorsal root ganglion

Definition noun, plural: dorsal root ganglia (neuroanatomy) The ganglion on the dorsal root of every spinal nerve. It is... Read More


root (Science: botany) The water- and mineral-absorbing part of a plant which is usually underground, does not bear leaves,... Read More

Root cutting

root cutting (Science: botany) part of a root of a woody plant which, under suitable conditions, takes root and forms a new... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More

Aquatic root

Aquatic root (Science: plant biology) roots that develop on stems above the normal position occupied by roots, in response... Read More

Root nodules

Root nodule (Science: plant biology) globular structure formed on the roots of certain plants, notably legumes and alder, by... Read More

Root Hair

Thin hairlike outgrowth of an epidermal cell just behind the tip; absorbs nutrients from the soil.Hair like structures found... Read More

Hair root

Hair root The part of a hair that is embedded in the hair follicle, its lower succulent extremity capping the dermal papilla... Read More


Xylem Definition Xylem is defined as a plant tissue that transfers water and nutrients from roots to all over the plant... Read More


Definition noun, plural: haustoria (botany) Knob-like root for penetrating into and absorbing nutrients and water from the... Read More

Plant Water Regulation

A plant requires water as an essential ingredient of photolysis, the photochemical stage of photosynthesis where water is... Read More


Plants require growth hormones for their regulated growth. Plant growth hormones or regulators (PGRs) are small organic... Read More

Growth and Plant Hormones

Growth All living organisms begin in the same form: as a single cell. That cell will divide and the resulting cells will... Read More


Tissue Definition What is tissue in the body? The body tissue is an aggregation of cells that function together and have a... Read More

Root System

A developed system of roots.The network of underground roots and other plant structures found below ground... Read More


Differentiation in biology is the process where less specialized cells undergo changes to develop specialized structures and... Read More

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Definition What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not... Read More


taproot The main, descending root of a plant that has a single, dominant main... Read More


Fragmentation Definition What is fragmentation? In general, fragmentation refers to the state or the process of breaking... Read More

Plant Auxins – Phototropism & Geotropism

As with animals, plants also use a variety of hormones to control their growth and development. A family of hormones called... Read More

Hypertonic solution

Hypertonic Solution Definition Hypertonic solution is a relative term that describes the solution having a higher amount of... Read More


What is an exudate? The inflammation or injury in a tissue result in increased permeability of the blood vessels that... Read More


Pith Definition In general, the term "pith" refers to the "soft inner portion" of something. In botany, a pith refers... Read More


Definition noun, plural: pneumatophores (botany) A specialized aerial root, such as in certain mangrove species, that stick... Read More


Hypertonic Definition Hypertonic is a term used to describe an entity being in the state of hypertonicity, where there is a... Read More

Radix ventralis

radix ventralis --> ventral root The motor root of a spinal nerve. Synonym: radix anterior, radix motoria, anterior root,... Read More

Apical meristem

Definition noun, plural: apical meristems (botany) A type of meristematic tissue that is located at the tips or terminal... Read More

Plant Tissues

Plants are composed of three major organ groups: roots, stems, and leaves. As we know from other areas of biology, these... Read More

Intercalary meristem

The basic structural framework of plants is composed of different types of tissues. Based upon the capacity to divide, the... Read More


What is Diaphoresis? Diaphoresis is referred to excessive or profuse perspiration or sweating which may be due to... Read More


Ginger Definition In botany, ginger is a plant of the genus Zingiber. The scientific name is Zingiber officinale. It is a... Read More

Fasciculus of Lissauer

Definition noun A small bundle of fibers situated longitudinally in the white matter, at the entrance of the dorsal root... Read More

Brown algae

Brown Algae Definition Brown algae are algal species characterized by being multicellular and having a brown or... Read More