186 results found

Search Results for: self


self 1. The individual as the object of his own reflective consciousness; the man viewed by his own cognition as the subject... Read More

At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity

At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity  ... Read More

Self pollination

Definition noun (botany) A type of pollination in which the pollen from the anther of the flower is transferred to the... Read More

Self antigen

Definition noun, plural: self antigens An exogenous antigen that is recognized as nonself by the immune system, which should... Read More

Self incompatibility

self incompatibility (Science: plant biology) Inability of pollen grains to fertilize flowers of the same plant or its close... Read More


We all know that typically living organisms are divided into two main categories of sex-based on their biological structure.... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More

Autocrine signaling

Autocrine Signaling Definition What is autocrine signaling? Autocrine signaling is a type of cell signaling wherein a cell... Read More


What is a phospholipid? Phospholipids are a subgroup of lipids. Other major types of lipids are fatty acids, sphingolipids,... Read More


Apomixis Definition Just like any other organism, the process of reproduction is pivotal to the life cycle of plants. There... Read More

Scared to Death

Scared to Death: Self-Willed Death, or the Bone-Pointing Syndrome  by Patrick D Hahn  Accepted on: September 4,... Read More


Reproduction Definition Reproduction is a biological phenomenon of producing offspring/s. i.e. more of its kind. Depending... Read More


Hypersensitivity Definition Hypersensitivity is the exaggerated immune response to protect the human from foreign bodies... Read More


Definition noun (1) (zoology) The intentional separation of a body part, usually as a protective evading mechanism against... Read More

Intracellular digestion

Intracellular Digestion Definition What is intracellular digestion? ‘Intra’ means "inside" and ‘cellular’ pertains... Read More

Major histocompatibility complex

Definition noun A cluster of genes on a particular chromosome that specify major histocompatibility... Read More


Definition noun (botany) Self-fertilization; a mode of fertilization where fertilization takes place on the flower itself,... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More

Immune system

Definition noun The organ system that is involved in protecting the organism from infection, infestation, and other... Read More


postulate 1. Something demanded or asserted; especially, a position or supposition assumed without proof, or one which is... Read More

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction involving the fusion of haploid female gamete (egg cell) and haploid male... Read More

Alloparenting-What Is It?

“Alloparenting—What Is It?” Sonja G. Rosas 13 September 2007 An Introduction To Alloparenting Every gregarious... Read More


Totipotent Definition What is totipotent? In general terms, totipotency is defined as the ability of a single cell to... Read More

Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung

Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud was a famous Austrian neurologist (1856 - 1939), who stated that dreams were the manifestation... Read More

Infradian rhythm

What is the Infradian Rhythm? An infradian rhythm is a type of biological rhythm that lasts longer than 24 hours, with a... Read More


Inbreeding is a type of breeding or mating where closely related individuals with a common ancestor produce progenies with... Read More


Definition noun A programmed cell death characterized by biochemical events leading to self-digestion through the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: myosins A family of motor ATPases that interact with f actin filaments Supplement Myosins belong to... Read More


Definition noun (botany) A type of pollination in which the pollen from the anther of a flower is transferred to the stigma... Read More

Pollen Grain

What are Pollen Grains? Plants are unique structures and so they carry out mechanisms in special ways. Fertilization in... Read More


Definition noun (botany) Cross-fertilization, where fertilization occurs when an ovum of a flower is fertilized by the... Read More

Nucleic acid

Nucleic Acid Definition A nucleic acid refers to any of the group of complex compounds consisting of chains of monomers of... Read More


Definition noun, plural: autoantigens An endogenous antigen that is recognized as nonself by the immune system, which should... Read More

Homeostatic Mechanisms and Cellular Communication

Homeostasis is the relatively stable conditions of the internal environment that result from compensatory regulatory... Read More


When we learned about the basic genetics of biological life, we came to know that almost all the cells of an individual have... Read More


Autogenous 1. (Science: biology) self-generated; produced independently. 2. (Science: anatomy) Developed from an independent... Read More

Ecosystem dynamics

Ecosystem dynamics Those intrinsic ecological functions through which an ecosystem becomes self-regulating, self-sustaining,... Read More


Biology Definition Biology is the branch of science that primarily deals with the structure, function, growth, evolution,... Read More

Unipotent cell

Definition noun The cell that has the ability to self-renew but gives rise to only one type of cell or tissue. Supplement An... Read More


The floral diversity on this planet is huge. And if you peep into the sub-category of angiosperms among this floral... Read More