22 results found

Search Results for: serous cell

Serous cell

serous cell A cell, especially of the salivary gland, that secretes a watery or thin albuminous fluid, as opposed to a... Read More

Serous exudate

Definition noun A type of exudate that forms as a clear, thin, watery fluid with relatively low protein content, usually... Read More


What is the Peritoneum? The term peritoneum refers to the serous membrane that constitutes the biologically active inner... Read More


Serum Definition In biology, serum generally refers to the clear portion of any bodily fluid of animals and plants.... Read More

Apocrine gland

The human body is a complex assemblage of many different organs, systems, glands, bones, and tissues. Weighing any one over... Read More


Parenchyma Definition What does parenchyma mean? Let's define the word "parenchyma". Most of the functional tissues in... Read More


What is an exudate? The inflammation or injury in a tissue result in increased permeability of the blood vessels that... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More

Transcellular fluid

Definition noun A bodily fluid found in chambers created by the linings of epithelial cells Supplement The extracellular... Read More


Definition noun The process of forming of and discharging pus from a sore or a wound, or the pus... Read More

Simple squamous epithelium

Simple Squamous Epithelium Definition Simple squamous epithelium, also known as simple squamous epithelial tissue or... Read More


An epithelium is a type of animal tissue made up of densely packed cells (called epithelial cells) that rest on a basement... Read More

Body fluid

Body Fluids Definition What is body fluid? Literally, body fluid is the fluid of the body. The adult human body is ~50-60%... Read More

Integumentary system

Integumentary System Definition The integumentary system is the outermost layer of the body. The animal body, in... Read More

Extracellular fluid

Definition noun The body fluid outside the cell composed of blood plasma, interstitial fluid, lymph and transcellular... Read More

Adipose tissue

Adipose Tissue Definition Adipose tissue, a specialized variety of connective tissue, is composed of lipid-rich cells known... Read More


Definition noun, plural: peritonites (pathology) The inflammation of the peritoneum Supplement Peritonitis pertains to the... Read More

Generalized peritonitis

Definition noun A type of peritonitis affecting the entire abdomen, and in which the abdominal tenderness is diffuse and the... Read More

Purulent exudate

Definition noun A type of exudate that is distinctively thick and yellowish, grayish or greenish in color, and consisting... Read More

Hemorrhagic exudate

Definition noun A type of exudate that is bloody because of the large component of red blood cells released from ruptured... Read More

Localized peritonitis

Definition noun A type of peritonitis that is confined to a demarcated region of the peritoneal... Read More

Interstitial fluid

Definition noun The fluid found in the intercellular spaces composed of water, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids,... Read More