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Search Results for: sporangium


sporangium (Science: plant biology) spore case, within which asexual spores are... Read More


What is Meiosis? A simple definition of meiosis would be is this: meiosis is the process of cell division that results in... Read More


Sporophyte Definition What is a sporophyte? Accordingly, the sporophyte is the plant generation that produces spores. To... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tapeta (botany) A layer of nutritive cells within the sporangium, providing nutrition for growing... Read More


Definition noun, plural: (general) A small case, envelope, or covering. (anatomy)(1) A membranous sac or integument,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: spores A dormant, reproductive cell formed by certain organisms. It is thick-walled and highly... Read More

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction involving the fusion of haploid female gamete (egg cell) and haploid male... Read More

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Definition What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not... Read More


Definition noun, plural: sporangiospores The spore produced and contained within a sporangium. Supplement Sporangiospores... Read More

Sporophyte generation

Definition noun (botany) A phase in the life cycle of certain plants and algae that starts with the union of gametes up to... Read More

Vascular Plants: Ferns and Relatives

These plants are seedless plants, but unlike the bryophytes, they do have vascular tissue (xylem and phloem). Because of the... Read More